Don't Underestimate Numb Hands, These 7 Health Conditions Can Be The Cause


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The hand has the most sensitive touch nerves and is directly connected to the brain as a signal receiver. Rob Danoff, DO, director of family medicine at the Philadelphia Aria Health System, states that if one part of the nerve is pinched or damaged, the brain cannot receive all the sensory info sent by your hand. The result, numb hands including your fingers. So, what causes the numb hand?

Various causes of numb hands

1. Carpal tunnel syndrome

treat wrist pain carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common causes of numbness. This condition occurs when the median nerve is pinched, which is the nerve that crosses and passes through the wrist in the form of a carpal tunnel.

This condition causes tingling, numbness, or pain that pierces along the wrist to the upper arm. Usually the thumb, middle finger, index finger and palm area are the ones that are most often painful.

This disease generally attacks people who work with their hands with repetitive movements for a long time.

2. Ganglion cysts

Upper wrist wrist ganglion cyst (source: American Society for Surgery of the Hand)

Ganglion cysts are non-cancerous lumps that can form in all parts of the body. But usually, this condition appears around the joints or the covering sheath of the tendon (the tissue that connects the muscles to the bones).

Generally, ganglion cysts appear on the upper part of the wrist, the side of the palm of the wrist, the base of the finger on the side of the palm, and the upper part of the joint of the fingertip.

Usually round and filled with liquid like jelly. Ganglion cysts can make the hands hurt when pressing the nerves nearby. Apart from pain, this condition also sometimes makes the hands numb. Cysts can disappear on their own or through surgery.

3. Multiple sclerosis

symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that attacks central nerve cells, especially in the brain, spinal cord, and eye nerves. One symptom of multiple sclerosis that appears is numb hands.

Generally conditions appear in the age of 20 to 30. Women have two times higher risk than men. Other symptoms that usually appear are muscle weakness and double vision.

Usually, between one symptom with other symptoms will appear in a long time so someone who has multiple sclerosis usually can only be diagnosed after years.

4. Thyroid disorders

Thyroid disorders can cause hand numbness. When this disorder is not treated, this can cause damage to the nerves that carry information between the brain and spinal cord.

In addition to hand numbness, the body will show various other symptoms such as hair loss, weight gain, feeling cold all the time. Therefore, do not underestimate when you experience these symptoms. Immediately consult a doctor before his condition deteriorates.

5. Stroke

When you feel frequent tingling and numbness in your hands, you need to be vigilant. Because this can be a body signal that marks stroke.

Stroke is a condition when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted so that the brain tissue lacks oxygen and nutrients which can cause cells to malfunction. In addition to numb hands, other symptoms that accompany it are dizziness, blurred vision, obscure pronunciation, and asymmetrical smile lines. Stroke can affect all ages, not only parents but also young people.

6. Guillain-Barre syndrome

Guillain-Barre syndrome is a condition when the immune system attacks the nerves. The initial symptoms that usually appear are weakness and tingling in the extremities such as the hands and feet.

This sensation usually spreads quickly until it finally paralyzes all parts of your body. In addition, you will feel various other symptoms such as severe pain and feeling sore and cramped at night, heart rate increases, difficulty breathing, and bladder control decreases. Although the exact cause is not known, but this syndrome generally appears with precedence of infectious diseases such as the respiratory tract or stomach flu.

7. Alcohol addiction


According to the National Library of Medicine, United States, alcoholism can cause nerve damage. Usually, people who experience alcoholism experience various symptoms such as muscle weakness, spasms, and numbness in the arms and legs.

People who experience this usually cannot control the desire to continue drinking alcohol even though they know the dangers posed by drinking too much alcohol. Usually these negative symptoms will appear if you have been addicted to alcohol for a long period of time.

Don't Underestimate Numb Hands, These 7 Health Conditions Can Be The Cause
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