7 Ways to Cook Healthy so you don't need to fry a side dish


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You might feel someone is missing if you don't eat rice using vegetables and fried dishes. Fried side dishes are more appetizing and can be a delicious vegetable companion. However, eating too many fried dishes is at high risk for health. Then how to cook healthy but still delicious without the need to fry the side dish?

Why are fried foods harmful to health?

Fried foods contain very high levels of fat and cholesterol. Actually, if consumed in reasonable amounts, fried foods are still quite safe. However, most people can eat fried foods many times a day. As a result, you are at risk of developing various chronic diseases below.


Cooking oil with high fat content is absorbed by side dishes. The fat content in food is too excessive. A study in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Diseases reveals that people who eat fried food more than four times a week are more at risk of being overweight or obese than people who only eat fried foods twice a week.


A study conducted by a team of experts at the University of Alabama, Birmingham proved that eating fried dishes six times a week can increase the risk of stroke by 41%. This is because high cholesterol levels in fried foods make you more susceptible to stroke.

Coronary heart disease

Like the risk of stroke, foods fried in saturated fat and high cholesterol can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Because the cholesterol and fat can cause plaque buildup in the arteries so that heart function is disrupted.


Fried side dishes can also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes (diabetes). Fried foods will make blood sugar rise dramatically. In addition, accumulated body fat will also make it difficult to work insulin to break down sugar.

Alternative ways to cook healthy without frying

Change the technique of frying side dishes by cooking a healthier way. Here is a choice of healthy cooking methods that do not involve side dishes fried in hot oil.

1. Steamed

Steamed side dishes, aka steamed, for example fish and chicken, contain lower levels of fat and cholesterol. In addition, cooking side dishes by steaming can also make the side dish of your choice more fragrant.

2. Pepes

This Sundanese dish offers a strong aroma and taste. Because the herbs and spices that are put into the side dish become more absorbent in the delicious banana leaves. You can serve pepes fish, tofu, or mushrooms as an alternative to fried dishes.

3. Bacem

This type of Central Javanese cuisine usually uses tempeh or tofu. After being covered with herbs, spices, and brown sugar, the baceman will be boiled together so that the flavor permeates. Then steam the baceman before serving, not fried.

4. Soy sauce

As a variation of fried dishes, stews can be a safer choice. Serve beef, chicken, eggs or tofu in sweet or salty soy sauce. You can also process it with vegetables such as carrots to make it fresher.

5. Bake

Side dishes that are baked fat levels and calories are lower than fried dishes. So, it's better to bake chicken, duck, beef, or fish in the oven rather than frying it with oil. Don't forget to add fresh honey, lemon or chili spices.

6. Saute

Sauteed tempeh, sauteed tofu, sauteed bean sprouts, or sauteed shrimp can be a simple side dish with low fat, calorie and cholesterol levels. The stir-fried side dish is also more delicious than fried food.

7. Boil

As a side dish for breakfast in the morning, boiled eggs can be an easy and healthy choice. Boiled chicken is also good for those of you who need protein but can't consume too much saturated fat and cholesterol.

7 Ways to Cook Healthy so you don't need to fry a side dish
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