Avoid These 5 Bad Habits If You Don't Want To Have Mental Disorders


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Many think that having a mental disorder is definitely crazy or something. In fact, there are many mental health disorders, even depression or stress are included. So, actually everyone might experience this problem. Without realizing it, there are some bad habits that can disrupt your mental health. Anything?

Bad habits that interfere with mental health

1. Bent when walking

Here are some exercises that can be done to improve the stooped posture.

Have you ever noticed the way and your posture when walking? In fact, often stooping can put you at risk of experiencing health problems, you know!

This is evidenced in a study published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. The study says when someone is asked to walk with shoulders bent, they tend to have an unpleasant and bad mood rather than someone who walks without bending.

Even in the study it was known that people who often stooped were prone to depression. Therefore, you should eliminate the habit of hunchback. Not only makes your posture problematic, but it can interfere with your health.

2. Lazy motion

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Other habits that can interfere with your mental health are lazy to move. Yes, not only makes the body become weak, the muscles shrink, and the stomach stretches, this bad habit also allegedly can trigger depression and anxiety disorders.

If you just sit facing each daygadget it's best to take time to move and make your muscles work. Moreover, if you can do regular exercise every day, not only your body but also your mental health.

Because the sport has been proven to improve mood and make your mood better. So, are you ready for sports and moving today?

3. Lack of sleep or even staying up late

short body due to lack of sleep

Reported on the Health page, Diedra L Clay, PsyD, chair and lecturer at the Department of Health Psychology at Bastyr University, sleep is everything.

Sleep can affect everything. Not only physical, but emotional and mental also influenced by sleep.

The function of our body now is also determined by how sleep and sleep quality. Sleep is the way the body regenerates, without this function, all the systems in the human body can be damaged, including your mental functions.

4. Too often playing in front of an electronic screen

mobile phone addiction

So many things that require you to spend time in front of the screen, such as working, shopping online, watching movies, ticket reservations, and so forth. Did you know if all of these activities can drain a lot of time to socialize and meet friends or relatives? In fact, humans are social beings.

Maybe you argue that every day you arechat with many friends. However, still face-to-face or meeting time cannot be replaced by just chatting on a mobile phone screen. You can't understand someone, don't know the true expression.

There have been many cases that make someone feel depressed, anxious, and even experience other mental disorders because they are too focused on their virtual world, not the real world.

Michael Mantell, PhD, a behavioral scientist from San Diego, California, said that when a person does not have time to face face to face, only virtual, the ability and interest to meet with people will also decrease over time.

This is increasingly dangerous, one can increasingly close themselves to people in their environment. So, to avoid disturbing your mental health, use your cellphone, laptop and all your electronic devices wisely.

5. Too serious

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Seriously, you really need it so you can focus on your activities. However, do not let you lose time to laugh because it is too serious. Laughter is a fast reliever of anxiety and stress.

Don't overly pile your mind, set aside time to laugh. Listen to humorous stories, watch funny shows, and spend time with friends to make you laugh freely. You could say laughter is a need for your mental health.

Avoid These 5 Bad Habits If You Don't Want To Have Mental Disorders
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