Be careful, this one man's body area is prone to cysts


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Try checking the back of your body. Right above the gap between the buttocks, do you see a large boil-like lump? If so, maybe it's a sign that you have pilonidal disease. This cyst, also called sinus pilonidal, is most common in men, especially young people. People who sit a lot like taxi drivers are also at high risk for pilonidal disease.

This cyst is benign, and not a symptom of cancer. But you still need to be careful. Because if it continues to be allowed, the cyst can become infected and filled with pus, and this can be painful.

What's the cause, huh?

Signs and symptoms of pilonidal disease

Pilonidal disease may be overlooked because it often does not cause obvious symptoms. However, people who suffer from this disease tend to get inflamed and infected cysts in the upper area between the buttocks. These cysts vary in size and can cause pain when walking or sitting.

Pilonidal sinuses usually contain hair, dust and dirt. If the sinus is infected, you may notice redness and swelling around the gap in your buttocks. The sinus can expel pus and blood or produce a foul odor from pus that dries and can become a swollen lump (abscess). The infected area is sensitive to touch. In some cases, someone with a Pilonidal cyst already infected can experience fever, nausea or a feeling of pain.

About half of people who suffer from this condition have chronic pilonidal disease. Recurrent pilonidal disease is less intense and painful compared to acute symptoms because pus comes out of the sinuses and releases pressure. However, the infection can last long term until the cyst has to be removed by surgery.

Some rare cases of pilonidal cysts occur in body parts other than near the tailbone. For example, many hair barber, dog beauty nurses and shearers who are exposed to pilonidal cysts on the skin between the fingers.

What causes cysts to grow between the buttocks?

The exact cause of this condition is not clear, but experts argue that pilonidal cysts can be caused by hormonal changes, hair growth, and friction from clothing or because they sit for a long time.

Hair loss, especially hair that is rough or stiff, can be trapped in the gap between the buttocks. Sitting is an activity that causes friction, can force hair that grows in the area to re-enter the skin. The immune system considers the hair to be alien and against it, which then causes the formation of cysts around the hair and can become infected. This condition develops more easily if there are already irritated hair follicles.

Sports that affect the area of ​​the buttocks, tight clothing around the buttocks, heat, or sweating a lot can make the hair follicles irritated or stretched. Hair follicles can become blocked and infected and then open to the surrounding tissue, forming an abscess if you continue to exercise or walk. Some pilonidal diseases can be experienced at birth.

How to treat pilonidal disease?

Pilonidal cysts are abscesses or boils. This needs to be dried, or cut through surgery, to get well. Like other boils, pilonidal disease cannot recover with antibiotics.

Be careful, this one man's body area is prone to cysts
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