Characteristics of Breast Cancer that Has Spread to the Bone (Is it Cured?)


Medical Video: Breast Cancer | Staging | Nucleus Health

Like other types of cancer, breast cancer can also metastasize or spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs, liver, brain, or bones.

Metastatic breast cancer is also called stage 4 breast cancer. Almost 5 percent of women who have breast cancer have metastatic breast cancer when they are newly diagnosed. This cancer generally appears several months or years after the initial diagnosis. The risk of breast spread to the bones becomes higher after breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body.

What happens when breast cancer spreads to the bone?

Normally, the bones that make up the skeleton will always change. Old bones will be broken down and replaced with new bones so that our bones remain healthy and strong.

Another case in cancer patients, cancer cells that spread to the bones can cause some parts of the bone structure to break without forming new bones. This makes bones tend to be weak and prone to fractures.

Cancer can also cause new bones to grow even though the old bones have not been damaged. This makes the bones become harder, but the abnormal structure makes the bones risk breaking.

What are the symptoms if breast cancer has spread to the bone?

Bone pain is usually the initial symptom of breast cancer that has spread to your bones. Bones can become weak and break easily. Cancer that grows in the spine can cause pressure on the spinal cord so that it can interfere with bowel and bladder function. In severe cases, tumors in certain areas of the spine can also cause paralysis.

Other symptoms can be found in your blood. Cancer can cause bones to release calcium into the bloodstream in amounts higher than the normal level (hypercalcemia). This is characterized by the appearance of nausea, loss of appetite, thirst, and constipation. You will be easily drowsy and even dazed. Hypercalcemia can cause coma if not treated immediately.

If you suffer from breast cancer and bone pain, doctors usually recommend imaging tests, including X-rays or bone scans (scintigraphy) Another imaging test that might be recommended is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized cosmography (CT), or positron emission tomography (PET). This test will help diagnose and remove the tumor.

Can breast cancer be treated if it has spread to the bone?

Many treatments for primary breast cancer can be used to treat bone metastasis. The treatment aims to stop the spread of tumors, and shrink or remove existing tumors. Treatment given depends on the type of breast cancer when the cancer condition has spread to the bone.

If you have a type of breast cancer that requires hormonal therapy, you might be advised to continue. Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that can effectively kill breast cancer cells throughout your body. This treatment can be given intravenously or in pill form.

Or, you can also undergo radiation therapy that specifically targets breast cancer cells. This therapy can shrink tumors, strengthen bones, and reduce pain.

In addition, your doctor may prescribe several bone strengthening drugs. Some drugs are given intravenously, and the rest is taken directly. Metal bars can also be planted through surgery to support weak bones. In addition to metal bars, bones can also be stabilized with metal plates, screws or cement.

Different types of treatment are usually combined for the best results. The treatment plan will be adjusted to the body's response to the treatment.

In addition to treating breast cancer, doctors can prescribe medications to help control pain, discomfort, and reduce fatigue. Physical therapy can strengthen bones, reduce pain, and help you move more efficiently. Use a walking stick or walker can reduce pressure on weak bones.

Researchers are always looking for new methods to treat metastatic breast cancer. One way to test new therapies is through clinical trials. Not just anyone can undergo new therapy. Therefore, oncologists will tell you about the right clinical treatment options.

Characteristics of Breast Cancer that Has Spread to the Bone (Is it Cured?)
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