Clogged ears make it uncomfortable to move? Sontek 5 This Way


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There are many things that can cause the ear to clog. For example, entering water when swimming, getting a respiratory infection (flu, runny nose, sinusitis, or allergies), rarely cleaning earwax, or on a flight. This condition makes the ears feel full and it is difficult to hear when chatting with other people. So, how do you deal with blocked ears?

Various ways to overcome clogged ears

Before trying various ways to deal with clogged ears, you should first know what caused it. This condition is easy to treat alone at home, but some of the causes can only be treated with medication if it is associated with certain medical problems.

Here are some choices for how to deal with clogged ears, including:

1. Compress the ears with warm water

overcome clogged ears

Mucus is produced by the nose when runny nose, runny nose, or flu can clog the inner ear. To relieve it, try attaching warm compresses to your ears.

Warm temperatures can thin the mucus that builds up in the ears while widening blood vessels. As a result, blood flow and oxygen supply can more easily reach the affected body parts. This helps muscles relax and reduce pain.

The method is to soak a clean washcloth in lukewarm water (40-50 degrees Celsius), squeeze it until it is moist and stick it to the ear for 5-10 minutes. Warm compresses should not be used for more than 20 minutes for one compress, and do not stick to the ear if it looks swollen.

2. Take decongestant medication

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In addition to compressing hot water, clogged ears due to colds or colds can also be relieved by symptoms with decongestant drugs. This drug can reduce the shrinking of the blood vessels in the nose while reducing the swelling of the mucous membranes and pressure on the ear.

Apart from being sick, this medicine can be taken to prevent ear blockage during long flights. It is recommended to take this medication one hour before flight and after flight.

3. Drop baby oil or essential oil into the ear

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Earwax that dries and accumulates can clog the ears and cause itching. If this happens, you can overcome the blocked ear by dripping baby oil, olive oil, or glycerin in your ears.

It's easy, heat the oil on the spoon. After being warm enough, transfer the oil to the pipette. Tilt your head and drop the oil from the pipette into your ear. Hold the body for 10 to 15 seconds. Do this several times for five days, until the blocked ear feels more relieved.

4. Tilt your head or use hair dryer

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After swimming, your ears often enter water. This condition makes the ears wet and sometimes clogged. Wet ears can be the best nest for bacteria. To avoid infection, you should quickly dry your ears.

You can tilt your head for a while. Changing the direction of your head can bring clogged water out of the ear. If it doesn't work, position the body lying down. Then, put your ear on the towel (sleeping position sideways). Do this for a while until the water comes out of your ear.

If you don't have time to lie down, you can use a hair dryer. Air and heat from hair dryer can dry the water so that the ear does not get wet or clogged again. To prevent this, use a swimming cap so that water cannot enter your ears.

5. Perform valsalva maneuvers or passive techniques

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The other way to deal with other clogged ears is the valsalva maneuver. First, take a deep breath while pinching your nostrils with your fingers. Gently exhale air from your mouth.

In addition, you can also practice passive techniques, namely by chewing gum or drinking water. Passive techniques can help the clogged eustachian tube to open, reducing pressure on the blocked ear.

Clogged ears make it uncomfortable to move? Sontek 5 This Way
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