6 Choices of Foods that Are Well-Consumed After Tooth Extraction


Medical Video: Patient Walk-through of Wisdom Teeth Extraction | Boston Children's Hospital

After removing the teeth, doctors usually advise you to avoid foods that are too hard, sticky, spicy, hot, and cold. Instead, you are encouraged to eat some foods that can minimize the risk of complications, reduce inflammation, and accelerate the process of healing wounds after removing teeth. So, what are the most recommended types of food after extracting teeth?

Various foods that should be eaten after removing the teeth

1. Soup

Soup with crushed ingredients can make it easier for you to swallow food without having to bother chewing. In addition, some soups that contain vegetable pieces usually have a softer texture, making it easier for you to eat.

The high content of vitamins, minerals, and water also helps meet the body's daily nutrition, when your condition is not possible to eat whole fruits and vegetables.

2. Porridge

eat porridge

Pain after pulling teeth often makes you reluctant to eat rice, which later makes you weak because of lack of energy sources. The solution, you can process rice into another, more refined form, namely porridge.

If necessary, you can smooth out all solid ingredients. Whether it's vegetables or side dishes.

3. Mashed potatoes

Bored with rice? Mashed potatoes can also be an alternative choice for your energy source. Potatoes have a variety of nutrients that are good for the recovery process. However, make sure the potatoes are served in warm conditions, huh.

4. Yogurt

The soft texture of yogurt made it into the food list after pulling teeth. Not only that, yogurt is also equipped with lots of protein, vitamins, and minerals that are believed to help the process of restoring teeth.

The mineral content of zinc, calcium, and zinc in yogurt can accelerate wound healing.

5. Oatmeal

oatmeal makes fat

Oatmeal is loaded with high minerals and vitamins that help to meet the nutritional needs of the body. To avoid irritation, you should wait until the oatmeal is warm and avoid eating hot oatmeal.

6. Scrambled eggs

asparagus and eggs

Famous eggs with high protein content. Eggs also contain various vitamins and minerals that are important for the body. This source of protein is believed to be safe as food after removing teeth because it contains omega-3 which can help the wound healing process.

However, not all types of eggs can be eaten after removing the teeth. Scrambled eggs are the best choice for egg processing because they are easier to chew and swallow.

6 Choices of Foods that Are Well-Consumed After Tooth Extraction
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