Eye Care Guide After LASIK Surgery


Medical Video: LASIK eye surgery

LASIK is an eye surgery procedure with laser technology to improve the vision of people who are nearsighted, farsighted, or cylindrical. Although its efficacy need not be doubted, LASIK is quite risky to cause complications such as temporary blurred vision, dry eyes, inflammation, excessive tears, infection, and damage to the corneal nerves. To prevent these complications, you must know the right way to treat your eyes after LASIK.

Tips for treating eye health after LASIK

The doctor will prescribe medications such as antibiotics, steroid eye drops, and artificial tears that you must use to speed up recovery while avoiding the risk of complications after LASIK.

You are advised to rest your eyes or go straight to sleep after LASIK. Your doctor may also recommend that you wear eye patches during sleep to prevent trauma to the eyes which can be caused by unconscious movements. For example rubbed his eyes while sleeping.

While during activities during the day, especially if you are more outdoors, you are advised to wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from exposure to sunlight, dust and wind.

In addition, you also need to control your doctor again one day, one week, one month and one year postoperatively to evaluate the results of surgery and monitor if complications occur.

What should not be done after LASIK

There are several restrictions after LASIK that you should really pay attention to so that the results of optimal surgery and to avoid the risk of possible complications. Among others:

1. Rub or rub your eyes

Up to 12 hours after LASIK, your eyes will feel a little itchy red or feel like there are sand grains that block. However, itchy eyes should not be rubbed or rubbed. This can damage the results of the operation.

Rubbing eyes is not allowed until approximately 3 weeks after surgery.

2. Use shampoo and facial soap

For about a week after undergoing LASIK. You will be asked to avoid using shampoo and facial soap. This prohibition aims to avoid chemicals from the product entering the eyes and further irritating the cornea.

Ask your doctor further how to minimize the risk of shampooing if you want to shampoo.

3. Use cosmetics, especially in the eye area

Like shampoo and facial soap, cosmetics are also recommended to be avoided especially in the eye area for at least two days after surgery. Cosmetics contain fine grains that can enter and irritate the eye lining and can also increase the risk of infection complications.

4. Driving a vehicle

The eye condition after LASIK has not fully returned to normal. You might feel a little more sensitive to light. Therefore, you should avoid driving long distances for 2 days after surgery.

Driving close range is okay, provided you keep wearing sunglasses especially during the day.

5. Swim and board a plane

In addition to containing chlorine and other chemicals that can irritate the eyes, many pool water is contaminated with infectious bacteria in the eyes that have not recovered. Saunas and hot water baths are also prohibited.

Meanwhile, boarding a plane can cause an increase in pressure on the eyeball and make the eyes tired, thus slowing postoperative healing. You may only travel by plane at least five days after LASIK.

Eye Care Guide After LASIK Surgery
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