Guide to Caring for Parents who Have Diabetes


Medical Video: 9 Tips for Caring for the Child with Diabetes | Diabetes control tips

Based on the 2013 Riskesdas report belonging to the Ministry of Health, most cases of diabetes in Indonesia are held by the elderly, starting from 65 years and above. Research from the Journal of Diabetes Spectrum even mentions that as many as 20 percent of elderly people around the world have diabetes. One of your parents? Caring for parents who have diabetes is not easy, but don't worry. Follow the following guidelines.

Using injectable insulin correctly

The body of a parent with diabetes cannot produce enough insulin to help control his blood sugar. That's why some people need insulin injectionsto support daily body activities.

The doctor will usually direct what type of insulin is used for your parents' condition, how to inject insulin, and how many doses.

Usually, insulin will be injected in the upper arm, thigh, buttocks. or stomach. Also note that insulin injections have different doses, depending on how severe the disease is.

Maintain and regulate blood sugar levels

Another thing you should pay attention when caring for parents who are sick with diabetes is to monitor their blood sugar levels every day. Risk of hypoglycemia (blood sugar levels that are too low) generally accompany parents with type 2 diabetes who use insulin or certain drugs to control their blood sugar levels. Symptoms of mild hypoglycemia include weakness, trembling, and hunger.

Try to encourage parents with diabetes to start a healthy lifestyle

Although it seems simple, changing lifestyles can help the treatment process and prevent diabetes complications. If you are caring for a parent who has diabetes, the simple steps can be:

1. Regular exercise

One important way to start a healthy lifestyle can start with exercise. Regular exercise can keep blood sugar levels stable. If parents have diabetes, it's a good idea to start inviting them to exercise. You can invite parents to walk casually on jogging track approximately 30 minutes every evening.

Try to keep your parents' bodies moving so they stay healthy, and their blood sugar is stable. Do not do excessive exercise, because this can trigger hypoglycemia.

2. Pay attention to food intake

People with diabetes must pay attention to their daily food intake. Calm down, you can still, why, consume carbohydrate intake such as rice and bread. However, there are limits. To maximize carbohydrate intake for parents who have diabetes, it's a good idea to choose carbohydrate foods with more fiber content.

For example, you have other types of food such as sweet potatoes, whole grains pasta, and brown rice. Other good foods to consume are nuts such as almonds, salmon, skinless chicken breast meat, broccoli, spinach, and cinnamon. In addition, eating has a low glycemic index, which can make blood sugar levels not soar.

3. Eat on time

In addition to maintaining a diet, it is also important to keep the mealtime of the parent properly and on schedule. Try not to skip breakfast, because the parent's body will get hungry quickly in the next time. As a result, parents will later overeat because they feel hungry because they miss breakfast.

4. Avoid stress

It's also important to avoid stress in diabetic parents. Stress has been shown to increase blood sugar levels, which worsens the condition. To avoid this, follow the 3 directives above before. Also invite your parents to walk around, watch funny movies, and anything that can make parents laugh happy happy to avoid a worse condition of diabetes.

Guide to Caring for Parents who Have Diabetes
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