In order not to get sick while traveling, record 7 keys to this healthy and fit


Medical Video: Tips for Starting a Healthy Lifestyle!

When you plan to take a short trip or for a long time, it is not just a place of recreation for traveling that you have to think about. Your health must remain number one priority. Do not let this pleasant moment be disturbed due to your unhealthy condition. So, it's important for you to find out tips on preventing pain when traveling. Come on, see the following review.

Maintaining health so it does not hurt when traveling

1. Get used to always washing hands

Washing your hands is one of the important things that everyone can easily do to maintain health. As long as your traveling will be traveling from one place to another, how many things have you touched and made germs and germs stick to your hands.

Washing your hands can kill and reduce the dirt that comes on your hands. Especially before you eat or drink. Also get used to washing your hands according to the right steps to maximize hand hygiene.

Dr. Tieno from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends using antiseptic hand sanitizers as an alternative if you don't find soap and water. At least if it is not possible to wash your hands, you are not recommended to touch the face area. This is so that the germs do not enter through the eyes, nose, or mouth.

2. Don't forget to consume vitamins

One way to prevent pain when traveling is to regularly take vitamins. Because, there are not a few activities that you do when traveling so that your chances of getting attacked by various diseases when the body condition weakens increases. By routinely consuming vitamins, it is expected that your immune system can be more awake.

Vitamins can be obtained from natural food sources such as fruit and vegetables. However, if you have certain health problems or want to travel to a place that lacks access to health or healthy food, there is no harm in asking for a vitamin supplement to your doctor before leaving.

3. Get enough sleep

Even though it is exciting to take a walk, it is important for you to stick to good sleep rules. Some situations can make your sleep schedule a mess. Starting from a busy travel schedule, hotels or lodging places that are less comfortable, or unable to sleep because the body is too tired.

However, still make sure you get enough sleep. If not, this will affect your health condition.

4. Be careful in choosing food and drinks

Take a walk to visit various places, giving you the chance to find new foods that are interesting. Eits, wait a minute. It is better to sort out what foods and drinks you may or may not consume.

Every new place must have a variety of special foods, your job is to find out the content of the food or drink and adjust it to the condition of your body. Especially if you have an allergy to a type of food or beverage.

5. Drink enough water

Drinking enough water is one of the keys to maintaining your body's health when traveling. The difference in weather factors and the level of your activities while traveling also need to be considered the amount of fluid needed by the body. If you walk more, move and move while on vacation, increase fluid consumption, more than usual.

6. Drinking bottled water can be an option

When you travel abroad, most people there quench their thirst by drinking water from the tap. However, do not swallow this matter outright. If you are not sure about the cleanliness of the water source there or the area you are visiting has poor sanitation, drinking bottled water can be an option.

Actually you can just try tasting the taste of water directly from the tap, but it's best not too often. Reporting from US News Travel, there are two possibilities that can cause you to get sick from consuming tap water.

First, the water from the tap is indeed contaminated by bacteria, viruses, and other germs. Second, there are good bacteria in your body that are not familiar with this water source. Maybe the case will be different when compared to people in the area who are used to drinking from tap water. Therefore, it is more advisable to drink bottled water to avoid health problems.

7. Always provide medicine

The last but not to forget is always available for medicines while traveling. Because, you never know when the worst things will happen to you. By always providing first aid kits along with the medicines you need, it will minimize the possibility of you falling ill when traveling.

In order not to get sick while traveling, record 7 keys to this healthy and fit
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