List of compulsory medical examinations conducted by men aged 20-50 years


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Many people think that they need to go to the hospital or consult a doctor only when they are already sick. But the saying "better to prevent, than cure" is also true. In fact, you are better off to check your body health regularly so you can know the preventive steps and what actions need to be taken to reduce the risk of certain diseases. Conversely, medical check-ups can also tell you what disease you have, so doctors can handle it quickly.

The following are various medical examinations that must be performed by adult men, according to their age group.

Medical check-ups that need to be done by men in their 20s

Age can be young, but that does not mean you are free from various risks of disease. It is precisely at this productive age that you should start scheduling your first medical check-up. There are many physical examinations that you should go through to see and prevent diseases that can attack you later on.

1. Basic physical examination

Basic physical examination includes measuring height and weight to determine what the body mass index (can also check at BMI calculator belongs to Hello Sehat) and knows your nutritional status, whether normal, lacking, or even overweight. If the nutritional status is not normal, then you risk experiencing health problems later on.

2. Get a vaccine

Adults also need to get a vaccine. At this age, the vaccine you have to get is tetanus, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, as well as meningitis. This vaccine becomes very important especially if you want to go abroad.

3. Examination of sexually transmitted sexually transmitted diseases

Venereal disease tests that are transmitted through sex, such as HIV, need to be done, even if you have never had sexual intercourse at all or if you married even though. The United States Disease Management Agency (CDC) states that at least one person must have an HIV examination once in their lifetime.

4. Perform testicular examination

Checking testicular health should be done at a doctor. But you can do it too self testicular examination at home regularly to prevent the risk of testicular cancer. If you feel a part of a sore or a particular lump, you should immediately see a doctor.

Medical check-ups that need to be done by men in their 30s

Entering the age of three heads, the more diseases that lurk your health. For example, heart disease to other chronic diseases. So, there are various types of medical examinations that you should do at the age of 30 years, namely:

1. Check blood cholesterol

Checking total cholesterol in the body, usually done through a blood test. Normal total cholesterol levels for healthy men is less than 200 mg / dl. If the results are more than 240 mg / dl, then this indicates that your total cholesterol is high and at risk of various chronic diseases. If the results are normal, this examination should be done every 5 years.

2. Check blood sugar

Check blood sugar need to be done to find out if you are at risk of developing diabetes or not. Especially if you have a nuclear family member who has diabetes. The normal fasting blood sugar test results are below the number 100 mg / dl. If blood results show between 100-125 mg / dl, this indicates that you have pre-diabetes.

Medical check up for men in their 40s

The more you age, the lower your body functions. Even though it is at the age of 40, the decline in bodily functions is not yet visible, but you can prevent it and find out what health problems can arise by doing:

1. Check blood pressure

At this age, you are at risk of developing high blood pressure. To find out, do a blood pressure check regularly. Check blood pressure should be done at least once a year. Normal blood pressure results are for the number above (systolic number) of 120-139 mmHg, while the number above (diastolic number) is 80-89 mmHg. If your blood pressure is more than that number, you should immediately consult it with your doctor.

2. Check diabetes

To find out whether someone has diabetes or not, there are several checks that must be done, namely a complete examination of blood sugar and a hemoglobin A1C test. The examination is screening to detect diabetes.

3. Check eye health

If you have used glasses before, it is recommended to check your eyes regularly. Moreover, at this age the health problems that might arise are glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, as well as cataract.

Medical check up is important for men in their 50s

Entering the age of 50 years, usually there will be many symptoms or health problems that arise. Even if you don't experience any symptoms, you should still do a medical check-up like:

1. Colonoscopy

A colonoscopy is a medical examination in which your intestinal contents will be examined and seen. At the age of 50, a new colonoscopy is usually recommended. This examination must be done by men, especially if he has a family health history of colon cancer. If your test results are normal, you have to do it every 10 years (if there are no complaints).

2. Heart examination

You can ask your doctor to do some heart tests such as an electrocardiogram (ECG). This check is done to find out whether the heart is still performing its function properly and whether the heart muscle is still strong pumping blood. Moreover, if you have experienced symptoms of pain in the chest, this examination should be done. however, discuss it first with the doctor who handles you.

List of compulsory medical examinations conducted by men aged 20-50 years
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