Did You Know, Poor Diet Has Risk of Heart Disease in Children?


Medical Video: 18 Harmful Foods We Keep Giving to Children

Heart failure is a major factor in death in men and women. Interestingly, a number of studies show that it turns out that heart disease is rooted in a bad diet problem that starts at an early age. In other words, children have begun to "accumulate risk" from an early age to suffer heart complications later on with the food they choose (or chosen) to consume.

Young Finns Research

Researchers from the "Young Finns Study" have observed dietary patterns of more than 3,500 subjects in children aged 3-18 years. Researchers then attributed the increased risk of heart disease to a group of children who consumed little vegetables and fruits during their lifetime. Groups of children who have a higher intake of fruits and vegetables indicate a lower risk of heart disease. The results of this study can explain why we, from an early age, are always asked to eat vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, this advice is often ignored.

The study also shows that, if children are too early to eat fruits and vegetables, they will continue this unhealthy diet until they are accustomed to adulthood. This also means parents must play a more active role in controlling and knowing what their children are consuming — at home and at school.

Parental influence

It's easy, children will eat what their parents serve while eating. If you bring it home junk food, your child will eat junk food. If you serve dishes from organic ingredients, they will eat organic food. The diet is accustomed since early, therefore it is important for you to introduce a variety of healthy foods when the child's brain and body are in their infancy. Getting children to eat healthy food is the right choice.

From the Young Finns study explanation above, in fact many children are at risk of suffering from various diseases as they grow older, and this is certainly not a good thing. A number of diseases such as heart disease can indeed be prevented, but it requires public awareness to truly understand and control them in such a way.

Looking at the increasingly inflamed epidemic of heart disease, it is recommended to avoid these risks by starting a healthier diet (for adults and especially children). Avoiding illness starts and ends with a choice: what you choose to consume and how you live your lifestyle.

There are a number of things you can do to ensure a healthy diet, namely:

  • Reduce sugar
  • Reduce ready-to-eat frozen food and junk food
  • Expand vegetables and fruits
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Exercise regularly and follow outdoor activities

These are some of the many "golden advice" for healthy living, which certainly cannot be achieved in just one night. It's time to pay more attention to food intake for the younger generation for a better future.

This young generation will lead the world in the future. Making them healthy and fit must be a common goal for all of us.

Did You Know, Poor Diet Has Risk of Heart Disease in Children?
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