Spots appear to contain blood in the mouth, what is the cause?


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In general, blisters in the form of clear fluid-filled nodules develop on the surface of the skin as a sign of injury. The appearance of this nodule is actually the body's natural response to heal damaged tissue while preventing further injuries. In some cases, the nodule can also contain blood. This bloody spleen generally develops in the mouth, called an oral blister. Not thrush, then what causes the nodule in the mouth that contains blood?

Signs and symptoms of a bloody nodule in the mouth

Just like a nodule that appears on the surface of the skin, a nodule in the mouth appears like a soft lump that you can touch with the tip of your tongue. Because it is filled with blood, the lepuhan in the mouth tends to be dark like red or purple. Usually, this bloody nodule appears on the inner cheek, tongue, or the inside of the lips

This bloody spot can cause pain, especially if it is rubbed while eating or brushing your teeth. This spot in the mouth is different from canker sores. Sprue is also characterized by reddish lumps in the mouth, but is usually surrounded by a yellowish white layer around it.

In addition, oral infections also usually cause mouth sores. However, these mouth sores generally occur during a fever and are preceded by swelling of the lymph glands near the nasal passages. Unlike the two, blood-filled nodules can occur directly when the inside of the mouth is injured.

What causes bloody pimples in the mouth?

The appearance of blood-filled blisters is generally caused by trauma such as accidentally biting the cheek inside. Eating foods that are still hot or injured by eating foods that have a sharp texture, such as chips, can also cause injury so blisters can appear shortly after the wound has occurred.

Apart from trauma, there are various other things that can cause the formation of blood-filled blisters on the mouth. For example:

  • Allergic reactions - especially food allergies and blood allergies. The appearance of symptoms with this disorder is more likely to occur when you are not resistant to acidic foods, spices with cinnamon, active zar on a toothbrush and mouthwash.
  • Thrombocytopenia - several conditions related to thrombocytopenia such as pregnancy or taking certain antibiotic drugs.
  • Angina bullosa hemorrhagica - a rare type of disease that causes pain and blood blisters in the oral cavity. The appearance of blisters only briefly and after that the blisters burst suddenly.
  • Chronic diseases and disorders - oral blisters may also be associated with more serious disorders such as oral herpes infection, excessive alcohol consumption, kidney failure, diabetes, and oral cancer.

Is the appearance of blood blisters in the mouth dangerous?

In most cases, nodules in the mouth are harmless and can disappear on their own.

However, bloody nodules caused by angina bullosa hemorrhagica can be dangerous when blocking the airway. Therefore, immediately take medication if:

  • The appearance of blood blisters is too large to disturb you to eat and breathe
  • Symptoms do not improve beyond two weeks
  • Blister is caused by the location of dentures that are not suitable so that it often causes trauma due to friction
  • The pain caused is disturbing to move
  • The appearance of blisters repeatedly in the mouth
  • The blisters that previously contained blood turned yellow or filled with pus, this is a sign of infection.

What can be done?

Spots in the mouth can heal on their own without having to be treated. However, there are some things to consider if you experience an oral blister:

  • Avoid foods that can irritate the oral cavity seriously, such as foods that are too hot, too salty or spicy.
  • Do not try to keep blisters filled with blood because they can create new wounds and increase the risk for infection. Oral blisters can generally shrink and break on their own.
  • If the blister is painful or uncomfortable using painkillers or sticking ice to the area that is painful.
Spots appear to contain blood in the mouth, what is the cause?
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