Symptoms of Cervical Cancer You Need to Know Before It Widespread


Medical Video: 5 Common Signs of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is one of the diseases that most often affects Indonesian women. This disease is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) which is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse. Often, women are late knowing that they are infected with the virus. This is because the late woman checks herself into a doctor. For that, it is important for you to know the symptoms of cervical cancer and check yourself early.

What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

Usually women who have HPV virus infection do not show any symptoms. This virus can sometimes disappear by itself. However, there are also those that develop into cervical cancer. Because it does not show various symptoms of cervical cancer at an early stage, it is not surprising that many women who know the disease is serious when first examined.

Therefore, it is important for every woman to know the various symptoms of cervical cancer. By knowing the symptoms of cervical cancer, women can detect cervical cancer early and can be treated more quickly.

Early symptoms of cervical cancer

Symptoms of cervical cancer usually appear when cancer cells grow through the upper surface of the cervical tissue to the underlying tissue. This happens when precancerous cells are not treated and eventually turn into cancer cells. At this time, the symptoms of cervical cancer that generally appear are:

  • Irregular vaginal bleeding. This is the most common symptom of developing cervical cancer. Bleeding can occur between menstrual periods or after you have sex. In postmenopausal women, bleeding can also occur even though he has not menstruated. Sometimes, this bleeding appears as vaginal discharge mixed with blood.
  • Unusual vaginal discharge. This can also be a sign that you are suffering from cervical cancer. This leucorrhoea can occur from pure white to slightly brownish, foul-smelling, runny, and also mixed with blood.
  • Pelvic pain You can feel pelvic pain during intercourse or at other times. This can be a sign that there is an abnormal change in your cervix.

If you have experienced these initial symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Symptoms of cervical cancer when it's severe

Other symptoms can also occur when your cervical cancer has gotten worse and progresses to the next stage. The next symptom of cervical cancer is:

  • Back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Having difficulty urinating and defecating or you can also experience leakage of urine or feces from the vagina
  • Swelling of the legs, one or both
  • Broken bones

Can cervical cancer be prevented?

Certain. You can prevent cervical cancer in various ways. Start with yourself. You can reduce your risk of cervical cancer by reducing your chances of being infected with the HPV virus. Some ways you can avoid infection with the HPV virus are:

  • Perform HPV vaccine. If you are between 9-26 years old, this is probably the best way to protect yourself from infection with the HPV virus. The HPV vaccine can strengthen your body's immunity against the HPV virus (if at any time it enters your body). It is recommended that you get an HPV vaccine before you are sexually active.
  • Do pap smears regularly. By doing a pap smear, you can see changes that occur in cells in your cervix. Thus, cells that lead to cervical cancer can be detected early and can be prevented. Talk to your doctor how often you have to do a pap smear based on your age and medical condition.
  • Have safe sex. Remember, the HPV virus spreads through sexual contact. So, it is highly recommended that you always have safe sex, such as always using a condom and not changing partners.
  • Do not smoke. Women who smoke have a greater risk of developing cervical cancer.
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer You Need to Know Before It Widespread
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