Tinnitus, a Disorder That Makes Ringing Ears


Medical Video: Ear Problems & Infections : Causes for Continuous Ringing in the Ears

Have you ever felt your ears ringing? Have you ever heard repeated sounds even though there was no sound source around you? When you hear a sound and feel your ears ringing, you are most likely experiencing symptoms of tinnitus.

This can be experienced by anyone but most likely can occur in the elderly who have experienced a decline in the function and health of the hearing organ. The sound will of course disrupt the activity and rest of someone who experiences it.

Facts about ringing ears or tinnitus

Tinnitus comes from Latin which means it rings. The symptoms of tinnitus itself can be interpreted as a sensation of hearing sounds produced from outside the body.

Many people who guess the meaning of the ringing ear is caused by the sounds that just appear without a definite explanation. In fact, the meaning of ringing ears can be because you experience tinnitus. Some sounds often heard by sufferers can vary, such as ringing, buzzing, knocking, or whistling.

The sound felt in this ringing ear can occur interrupted or continuous and will be heard very clearly when there are no other sounds around the sufferer. In rare cases, the sound also sounds like the heart rhythm of the sufferer.

Most cases of sound in the ears are ringing which can only be heard by the sufferer. But in some cases, the sound can also be heard using a stethoscope around the ear. Tinnitus is not a serious disease but it can be a sign of other health problems.

Sounds heard by people with ear disorders have different levels. If it is severe, the sufferer will have difficulty concentrating and resting, causing itinsomnia and psychological disorders. Be aware of the symptoms of tinnitus if accompanied by pain, discharge from the ear, and severe dizziness.

Causes of ringing in the ears

Many ringing ears are caused by several factors. Unfortunately, some people believe, if this buzz will have an impact on a person's hearing loss or vice versa. Patients in general can still hear sounds, even these conditions can cause sufferers to be more sensitive to noise in the surrounding environment.

There are several direct causes that affect the appearance of tinnitus symptoms, such as the following:

Hearing tract infection

The meaning of ears ringing to everyone is certainly not the same. Sometimes, this condition is commonly caused by a blockage around the auditory canal. Annoying noises will disappear when the infection is treated. Even though the infection has been resolved, these symptoms still reappear.


Usually for a long time or at high intensity, the ringing ear can continue until hearing loss is slow. This is what sometimes affects how much damage to cochlear cells in the inner ear.

Tinnitus or other hearing loss will be more likely to be experienced by workers in high noise environments such as musicians, pilots, wood cutters, and construction workers.

What if only one side of the ear is ringing?

headache behind the ear

There are many myths that indicate the meaning of ringing ears based on their location, right or left ear. Though the meaning of the left ear ringing or the right ringing ear, can be caused by the same thing.

In addition, many people ask whether tinnitus in one ear might occur? Actually, sounds that are heard can have an impact from the right ringing ear or the left ringing ear. Even sometimes, the sound might sound as if it came from both ears or even your head.

Initially the ear buzzing sound can develop in one ear and then develop into the other ear. Also, be aware that in any ear the tinnitus appears, the ringing sound will continue to exist and will not disappear. Sound may be rhythmically stable, or pulsing (for example, in harmony with your pulse or heart rate).

Can be caused due to an acoustic neuroma condition

If you feel your right ear ringing or your left ear ringing, there is a possibility that you have an acoustic neuroma. Even if you have a hearing test and the results are normal, there is also a possibility that the ear buzz on one side can be caused by an acoustic neuroma.

To understand the meaning of the ringing ears that you experience, the doctor will do a test Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on the auditory nerve and balance nerves.

The test to find out the meaning of the right ringing ear or the left ringing ear is usually done by injection of a contrast material, called gadolinium. By contrast, MRI tests can be 100 percent effective in diagnosing even the smallest acoustic tumors.

Without injection of contrast material, it will be difficult to detect tumors, even small sizes. Even so, you should consult your doctor first if you need to do this test or not. Because some people cannot do MRI, because of other health conditions they experience.

However, CT scans can be another alternative that can be done to find the meaning of ringing ears. Although not as accurate as MRI, this tool will diagnose most acoustic tumors and know exactly what the ringing ears are.

Factors affecting the ear ringing to the left or to the right

Apart from the result of problems with the ear canal, the meaning of these ringing ears can be triggered by other health factors, such as:

  • An aging factor that causes damage to the cochlea and other inner ears such as the eardrum. Sometimes it can trigger ringing ears on the right or left, different positions for each person.
  • Blockage of the auditory canal due to presence tumor the inner ear can also cause the ear to buzz on one side or both.
  • Otosclerosis, a disease that causes cartilage in the middle of the ear to stiffen.
  • There is trauma or injury to the head, especially in the neck and jaw.
  • Take certain drugs, especially aspirin and other types of antibiotics, ibuprofenand effect diuretics ototoxic against the inner ear.
  • There is a history of diseases that affect hearing abilities such as cardiovascular disease, allergy, anemia, diabetes and disorders of the thyroid gland.

In addition to the above factors, the condition can be more severe if the patient is consuming alcohol, smoking, and excessive caffeine.

How to prevent and overcome ringing in the ears?

The condition of the right ear ringing or the left ear ringing, can actually be overcome by overcoming the causes and risks of this condition.

Therefore if you experience trauma to the head, you should immediately take a medical examination so that symptoms of tinnitus can be detected. Treat infections of the ear and stop the types of drugs with side effects ototoxic will also relieve the symptoms of tinnitus that are experienced.

Prevention by minimizing exposure to ear noise is the best effort to prevent tinnitus. This is because most of the tinnitus symptoms that occur due to noise will be very difficult to cure.

But actually, most people with tinnitus can adapt so that they can continue to move as usual. The key is to ignore the ringing noise, eventually the symptoms of tinnitus that are experienced will decrease and feel lighter by itself.This can also be achieved by the method tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT).

On the other hand, people with tinnitus must also be able to control psychological problems such as stress, difficulty concentrating, and insomnia.

Sound therapy to treat the right ringing ear or the left ear ringing

Sound therapy is a method that is widely used in certain purposes. Sound therapy for ringing ears is a method that uses sounds from outside to change the patient's perception or reaction to the ringing sounds that arise.

Like other tinnitus treatments, sound therapy does not cure the condition of the left ear ringing or the right ear ringing. However, this sound therapy can reduce the noise that is very disturbing before.

Sound therapy is carried out in four ways, namely:

  • Masking: This method serves to give the patient noise from outside with a volume that is loud enough partially or completely, to cover the buzzing sound in their ears.
  • Using interference: This method uses sound from outside to distract the patient from the sound of tinnitus.
  • Habituation: This method helps the patient's brain to know which sounds of tinnitus should be ignored and which sounds should be heard.
  • Neuromodulation: This method uses special sounds to minimize excessively active nerves, because this is considered to be the cause of tinnitus.

Consult a specialist

You should see a doctor if you constantly or often hear sounds such as buzzing, ringing, or humming in your ear. The doctor will then check your ears to see if the ringing problem may be caused by an easily treatable condition, such as an ear infection or a buildup of earwax.

The doctor will also ask what sound appears on the left ear ringing or on the condition of the ear ringing right. In addition, a few simple checks will be done to see if you have a hearing loss.

Continuous, stable and high-pitched ringing ears generally indicate problems in the hearing system and require an audit test by an audiologist.

If you often hear loud noise at work or at home, it's important to reduce the risk of hearing loss (or further hearing loss) using protectors such as earplugs or the like.

Basic tips for caring for health and hygiene of the ears

1. Clean the ears in the right way

You might think thatcleaning the ears must be with cotton bud. However, it turns out this method is wrong. Instead, you are not recommended to enter cotton bud, cotton, or something else into the ear to clean the ears.

Enter cotton bud into the ear it is risky to push earwax into the ear. In addition, inserting something into the ear cavity also risks being able to damage sensitive organs in the ear, such as the eardrum. Not infrequently this will have an impact on the condition of the right ear ringing or the left ear ringing.

Then, how clean the ears? The ear is an organ that can clean itself. Liquids such as wax inside the ear function to prevent dust and other harmful particles from entering the ear.

So, the function of the wax is very important for ear health and the presence of earwax is normal. If you have excess liquid wax, you can clean the area around the ear cavity with a soft towel. Or, you can ask for help from a doctor to clean your ears with a special device.

2. Protect your ears from loud noises

Not all sounds fall into the category of safe to hear ears. Overheard too often loud noise, can reduce your listening ability.

This loud sound source can vary, for example from the work environment, favorite music, and so on. To maintain ear health, you need to do the following:

  • If your work environment always creates loud sounds, such as when cutting grass, using electric tools that emit sound, etc., it's good to use ear protectors.
  • If you like listening to music, you should not adjust the volume of your music player too hard.
  • If you listen to music through headphones and the sound is heard by someone near you or you can't hear other sounds, meaning the volume of your music is too loud and you have to lower it.
  • Don't use it too often headphones to listen to music. Bthe volume of music is no more than 60 percent and does not use headphonesn more than 60 minutes a day.
  • Don't listen to two sources of loud noise at one time. This can actually damage your hearing. For example, when there is noise fromvacuum cleaner, You do not increase the volume of television or even listen to music loudly.
  • If you like watch the concert or go to a place that plays music loudly, you should use earplugs.

3. Keep your ears dry

Ears that are always wet or excessive ear moisture can allow bacteria to enter the ear canal.

This can cause an infection of the ear called a swimmer's ear (swimmer's ear) or otitis externa. Swimmer's ear is an infection of the outer ear caused by water trapped in the ear canal which causes bacteria to be trapped.

So, make sure both ears are always dry. If you like swimming, it's a good idea to use earplugs for swimming to prevent water from entering the ear.

If you feel there water that enters the ear, immediately tilt your head and pull the tip of the ear to stimulate the discharge of water from the ear. Don't forget, to always dry your ears with a dry towel after each swim and also after each shower, this is important.

4. Routinely check your ear to the doctor

Regularly checking your doctor's ear is important, especially when you age. The reason is, the older you are, the more susceptible your ears are to interference. So you need to make sure your ears are in good health at all times.

You need to do an initial hearing test so that you can measure and take action whenever you have a hearing loss.

Tinnitus, a Disorder That Makes Ringing Ears
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