Tips for Choosing Good and Healthy Bandages


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Menstruation is a 'guest' that comes every month to women. When menstruation occurs, it means that the egg released by a woman is not fertilized by sperm, so the egg dies, decays, and causes bleeding. Bandages are needed at this time to accommodate menstrual blood that comes out. However, do not arbitrarily choose sanitary napkins. This must be tailored to your needs and choose sanitary napkins of good quality.

Tips for choosing a pad that suits your needs

The amount of menstrual blood that comes out may vary for each person every day. There are people who experience a lot of blood loss during menstruation and there are also fewer people. So, this also affects the choice of the pads you use.

1. Absorption

Choose sanitary napkins that are absorbed according to the blood flow that comes out during menstruation. Different brands of sanitary napkins might also differ in absorption. Absorption of sanitary pads that are felt between individuals can also be different. For that, find the right one for you.

The thickness of the pads may be your consideration in choosing a comfortable dressing. But lately because of the technological sophistication, the thickness of the pads does not seem to affect the absorption of the sanitary napkin itself. So, thin pads do not necessarily have low absorption.

You might be able to choose sanitary napkins with high absorption or maximum thickness on a day where enough blood comes out. Meanwhile, when the blood that comes out has started a little, you can choose pads with a thickness and lighter absorption.

2. Sanitary napkins with fragrances?

We recommend that you choose pads that do not contain perfume or fragrances, especially if you have sensitive skin. Adding perfume to the pads will only make your skin irritated. Of course, this makes you very uncomfortable during menstruation.

3. The length and shape of the pads

Besides absorption, you can also choose pads based on their length and shape. Some people may feel safer when using extra long pads. However, some others prefer to use sanitary napkins with normal length. This is your choice.

Some women are also more comfortable when wearing pads with "wings", while others are more comfortable without using "wings". Come back again, this is your choice. Most importantly, the amount of blood that comes out during menstruation can be absorbed completely in the pads so that it does not cause leakage and you feel comfortable when wearing it.

For those of you who worry that the blood coming out is not fully absorbed while you don't like to wear long or thick pads, you may need to change your sanitary pads more often.

When to change pads?

Too long not changing the pads is certainly not good. You need to know the limits for when you have to change your pads. When sanitary napkins are not able to absorb your blood again while you never change pads, leaks can happen and this is very troublesome.

However, it is important to change pads regularly even if there is not much blood coming out or can still be absorbed. This is not only to prevent leakage, but also to avoid odors and bacteria from menstrual blood. For that, you should replace the pads that you use every 4-6 hours.

Tips for Choosing Good and Healthy Bandages
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