Tips for Maintaining Brain Function to Always Be Ageless Until Old Later


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Ages may age, wrinkles may also appear, but your brain may not age. Because it turns out, as you get older your brain functions will experience a decrease in the ability to remember, think, and control emotions. Well, you know! How to prevent the brain from experiencing "premature aging"?

Tips for maintaining brain function so that it is always fit, even until the old age is approaching

Here are some things you can do from now on to keep your brain functioning to stay healthy and youthful in old age later.

1. Get enough sleep

The number of activities that must be carried out often makes a person sleep late at night or stay up late so that makes him sleep deprived. In fact, the brain needs adequate rest. Because if not, the brain can experience excessive tension which can make brain nerve cells impulse damage in the long run. A study has even found that sleep apnea and insomnia are associated with the incidence of dementia. Therefore, you are encouraged to sleep enough. Enough sleep can make brain nerve cell impulses last longer.

2. Socializing

Socializing maintaining a good relationship with the scope of your friendship, be it with family, friends, or partners makes the body release the hormone dopamine. Dopamine functions to maintain the resilience of the brain's nervous system, fight tension, and maintain brain function to last longer. One study found that social involvement was related to mental agility. Strong social relationships have also been linked to lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy.

3. Avoid stress

Stress can produce a variety of negative effects on the brain ranging from weakening memory, shrinking the brain, and the emergence of mental illness. Therefore, avoiding stress is the best way to keep brain function young in old age. Some of the ways that can be done include walking, shopping, dancing, or doing something you like to avoid / reduce stress. One way to reduce stress is to do meditation.

Meditation is one way for relaxation that involves releasing the mind from all things that are burdensome or worrying in life. A study found that the brains of people who like to meditate look younger than the age of the owner. Study conducted at UCLA Brain Mapping Center also found that meditation can provide the benefits of brain gray matter therapy, which is a network of brain neurons that functions to treat mental and neurodegenerative diseases naturally.

4. Exercise regularly

One study found that adults who exercise can sustain more of their mental skills over the next five years, compared to adults who exercise irregularly or don't even exercise at all. Some of the positive effects of exercise on the aging process are:

  • Exercise can stimulate the development of new nerve cells and improve the relationship between brain cells which will make the brain more efficient and adaptive to the aging process.
  • Exercise encourages blood flow in the body to become smoother, overcoming blockages and deposits in the blood early so that it prevents complaints of blood vessels. Smooth blood flow in the brain will provide adequate oxygen supply for the brain - so it can help the brain maintain a nervous impulse system that lasts longer.
  • Exercise can reduce blood pressure, increase cholesterol levels, fight diabetes, and reduce mental stress - so that it can help your brain and heart work.

5. Train the brain

To keep the brain young or function optimally in old age, you must still actively train the sharpness of brain function. Every mental stimulating activity can help build the brain. If you rarely provide stimulation to the brain, the cognitive abilities of the brain can also be weakened. You can do various activities that you like, which can stimulate the brain to think, such as reading, writing, counting, painting, making crafts, etc. So, stay active even though your body starts to weaken.

Tips for Maintaining Brain Function to Always Be Ageless Until Old Later
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