Various foods that need to be consumed if you lack sleep


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Lack of sleep is a condition that is not beneficial for the body, because the brain lacks time to rest. As a result, we tend to feel tired when lack of sleep. In addition to a decrease in activity during the daytime, drowsiness usually causes excessive hunger due to an increase in the hormone ghrelin. However, fulfilling the desire to eat a lot when drowsy does not make our brain "fresh" again, but sometimes it can make drowsiness worse.

Some choices of good food are consumed when you are lacking sleep

Food can increase or decrease energy, depending on the amount and frequency of consumption. Often when you are sleepy, you eat more food but you cannot meet your energy needs. Here are some examples of foods that are needed to meet energy needs optimally when you lack sleep:

1. Fish with high oil content

In general, various types of marine fish have high oil content, such as salmon, tuna and sardines. Unsaturated fats and proteins sourced from various types of fish will make you feel full longer and more powerful, so that it can minimize hunger better and prevent you from snacking. Unsaturated fats also help the work efficiency of the brain so you can still concentrate and maintain mood stability even though you feel tired.

2. Nuts

The unsaturated fat content in nuts is good for maintaining excessive hunger and can maintain an increase in excessive stress hormones. The choice of consuming high-fat peanuts such as cashews is better, compared to consuming foods that contain sugar and sweeteners which can trigger an increase in blood sugar levels.

3. Whole-grain foods

Whole wheat or whole-grain as with oatmeal and whole wheat bread helps to keep us from eating more food when we feel tired. This type of food not only contains a lot of fiber, but also complex carbohydrates that can produce more energy, can last longer in the body, and can prevent an increase in excess glucose levels in the body.

4. Eggs

One of the effects of drowsiness is pressure on muscle cells, but this can be reduced by the intake of fatty acids such as EPA and DHA contained in egg white. These fatty acid compounds can also maintain blood vessel health by preventing an increase in blood pressure.

5. Mangoes

One effect of drowsiness is the desire to eat sweet foods. Consumption of manga can overcome this condition because mango contains a lot of natural sugar which is better for regulating the body's energy levels than added sugar in food.

6. Blueberry fruit

One of the ingredients of blueberries is antioxidant compounds that can strengthen the body's immune system. By eating blueberries we can minimize the occurrence of disease infections due to decreased immunity when the body lacks time to rest. Blueberry fruit is also efficacious to balance blood sugar levels so that we do not become easily hungry.

When you lack sleep, limit your consumption of caffeine

If you still feel sleepy, chances are you will consume coffee. However, did you know that caffeine that is too high will cause you insomnia? As a result, the time to sleep at night decreases and chances are you will experience drowsiness again the next day. One alternative to replace coffee is the consumption of green tea because it has a caffeine content released gradually. Green tea also has a relaxing effect so it reduces stress hormone levels and helps you better concentrate.

This also applies to caffeine from energy drinks. In addition to high caffeine, energy drinks also have a high sugar content. This instant freshness effect will not last long if you really experience fatigue. Therefore, short breaks are more effective than consuming energy drinks.

Join food consumption with adequate drinking water

The condition of dehydration can make the feeling of fatigue worse when you are drowsy. By fulfilling sufficient drinking water, this can help the body maintain energy reserves and increase your ability to concentrate. Water is also needed to be able to actively move even though you are tired.


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Various foods that need to be consumed if you lack sleep
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