Watch out, drinking lemon water can actually aggravate the symptoms of ulcers


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Not a few people believe that drinking lemon water can help relieve stomach symptoms, although the taste tends to be acidic. He said, lemon water has an alkalizing effect or can neutralize stomach acid. Unfortunately, researchers have recently revealed the opposite fact, namely the effect of lemon juice can aggravate the symptoms of ulcers.

Why drinking lemon juice can worsen the symptoms of an ulcer?

Acidic foods and drinks are the biggest enemies of ulcer sufferers. Keep in mind that lemon is one of the fruits that tastes sour, so it should be avoided by those who have ulcers.

Musgrave, a pharmacist at the University of Adelaide, told the Huffington Post that no studies have shown that lemon water can reduce the symptoms of ulcers. Indeed, the acid content in lemon can aggravate stomach acid reflux.

There are many causes of digestive disorders, ranging from gastric acid reflux (GERD), stomach irritation, or gallstones. Of the many causes of digestive disorders, in fact almost all of them start from rising stomach acid.

Lemon has a pH of 3, which means it is very acidic, while water has a pH of 7 or neutral. When you drink lemon water, this means you add acid to the stomach.

The higher the acid level in the stomach, the more precisely it makes stomach acid rise. This can erode the lining of the stomach that is already thin and aggravates irritation. Instead of relieving symptoms, this can actually aggravate the symptoms of an ulcer.

Which must be considered before drinking lemon water during ulcers

lemon water for ulcer

Ulcer patients are not recommended to drink lemon water so that the stomach acid does not rise and get worse. However, if you want to try drinking lemon water, there are some rules that you should pay attention to, including:

  • Mix one tablespoon of lemon juice into a glass of water. This aims to reduce the acid content of the lemon before drinking it.
  • Drink one gulp slowly and see your digestive reaction first. If the stomach starts to feel sore, immediately stop and multiply drinking water to neutralize stomach acid.
  • Use a straw when drinking lemon water, because the acid content can erode the tooth enamel.

If your stomach symptoms actually get worse after drinking lemon water, you should consult a doctor and switch to medical ulcer drugs and other natural ulcer drugs that are safer.

Watch out, drinking lemon water can actually aggravate the symptoms of ulcers
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