Why Are Diabetes Patients Easier to Feel Bloated?


Medical Video: Gastroparesis & Diabetes

Flatulence is a problem that is often complained of by people with diabetes. Many say, if bloating in diabetes is due to the disease itself. There are also those who believe that diabetes drugs are the main cause. Actually, what makes flatulence in diabetes?

What causes flatulence in diabetes?

Flatulence is actually a natural symptom that occurs in everyone, not only in people with diabetes. This condition can be caused by various things. However, indeed in this case diabetes can affect the way your digestive organs work. This has been mentioned in several research journals, that diabetes can lead to digestive disorders including flatulence.

Then what causes flatulence in diabetes? The following are reasons that may occur when flatulence.

1. You experience gastroparesis

Gastroparesis is one of the digestive disorders experienced by people with diabetes. This disorder arises due to damage to one of the nerves that regulate and recognize whether the stomach is empty or not. So, when this happens your digestion becomes slower and food will be stored in the body for longer than usual.

This condition causes flatulence in diabetes. The reason is, foods that don't get digested will only make the stomach feel full. When experiencing this, it is usually accompanied by several symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heat sensation in the pit of the stomach, and decreased appetite.

2. Medication for diabetes can also make the stomach feel bloated

It could be, your diabetes medication that makes flatulence and feels uncomfortable. Common diabetes medications like metformin, do have side effects that can make your stomach bloated and feel full. If you believe that you experience flatulence due to the medication you are taking, you should consult this with your doctor.

3. Using too many artificial sweeteners

The artificial sweeteners you use can be the cause of bloating that you experience. For example, artificial sweeteners containing sorbitol. In the body, sorbitol cannot be digested by the body, so it will not cause blood sugar to run out. However, this affects your digestive system and causes the stomach to become full of gas.

4. Eat foods that contain lots of gas

Some types of food can be the main reason why the stomach feels bloated and full. Examples of high-gas foods are cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, yams, and cassava.

In addition, foods that contain high fat also tend to make your stomach uncomfortable. Especially if consumed in large quantities. Therefore, avoid consuming high-fat foods such as gajih, chicken skin, and innards.

Actually besides the reasons mentioned earlier, the way you eat and drink can cause too much gas to enter your mouth. For example, drinking water using a straw, or you are too hungry to consume food that is in front of you. Small things like this can cause gas to accumulate in the stomach.

Why Are Diabetes Patients Easier to Feel Bloated?
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