Why Cold Weather Makes Rheumatic Rheumatism (and How to Overcome It)?


Medical Video: The Pain, Swelling And Stiffness of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ever heard of the term 'cold to get into bone'? This is actually very possible in people who suffer from rheumatism. If you experience rheumatism, maybe you will realize that when rheumatism rains you suddenly relapse, or take a shower at night with cold water making rheumatic pain worse. Yes, you are not alone, many rheumatoid sufferers complain of the same thing when weather changes occur. Then why can weather changes make rheumatism relapse?

How can the weather make rheumatism relapse?

Indeed, not all rheumatoid sufferers experience the same thing when weather changes occur, especially when the ambient temperature decreases. Therefore, it is still debated whether joint pain experienced by rheumatoid sufferers will be worse if the ambient temperature becomes colder. But a professor from the department of psychiatry and anesthesiology, Harvard Medical School, Robert Newlin Jamison, stated that rheumatism recurs when cold weather occurs due to changes in air pressure.

Imagine if the tissue around the joint is shaped like a large balloon with contents in it. When the rain will fall, the air pressure in the environment decreases and presses the body until the tissue around the joint gets bigger. Enlargement of this tissue makes the joint load increase and then pain appears.

Even so, Robert stated if the theory has not been proven to explain why rheumatism relapsed if the air temperature turned cold. Further research is still needed to find out the exact reasons.

How do you deal with rheumatism that recurs during cold weather?

If every cold air comes in makes your joint pain worse, then you can do a number of things to alleviate it, such as:

  • Exercising. Do not make your disease a reason not to exercise regularly every day, precisely the sport can relieve symptoms of pain arising from relapsing rheumatism. You can do simple exercises, such as swimming or easy warm-up movements. Avoid strenuous exercise and make you tired.
  • Enough rest and sleep. A study shows that lack of sleep can make pain and mood rheumatoid sufferers get worse. The more quality and enough time to sleep at night, the joint pain that you feel may be lost.
  • Keep mood don't be stressed. Unstable emotions can cause more severe pain. To avoid this, you can do activities that you like when you start saturated with daily activities.
  • Maintain body warmth. If rain comes and cold air hits, you can use warmers or blankets to keep your body warm.
  • Take painkillers if the pain cannot be sustained. But beforehand, consult your doctor first regarding which drugs are safe to drink if rheumatism recurs.
Why Cold Weather Makes Rheumatic Rheumatism (and How to Overcome It)?
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