Should Beards and Mustaches be Washed Every Day?


Medical Video: How often should you wash your beard???

For men, growing a pretty beard or beard is a matter of pride. If you've heard the saying that hair is a woman's crown, then a beard on the face might be one sign of men's prestige. However, caring for a beard and mustache is not easy. To maintain fertility, health, and shape, you need special methods that should not be underestimated.

One of the questions most often asked by people who maintain beards and mustaches is whether to diligently wash their beards. It seems that everyone has their own answers. Then, is there the best way to treat your beard? Check out the answer below.

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Do you need to diligently wash your beard and mustache every day?

You who maintain a beard and a thick mustache need to diligently wash it. However, how often you wash it depends on several factors. The first factor is your environment. If you do not move outdoors everyday and are exposed to pollution, germs, dirt and dust, you can wash your beard and mustache about two to three times a week. However, if you work outdoors like on a construction site, you should wash your beard and mustache every day. Because the beard is more susceptible to exposure to dust, dirt, and various types of germs and bacteria.

The second factor is your daily activities. If you sweat every day because your physical activity is quite heavy, for example exercising fitness, wash your beard and mustache every day. Heavy smokers are also advised to routinely wash beards and mustaches, about every two days.

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The third factor to consider is the type of skin on your face. If you have oily facial skin, especially in the growth of a beard and mustache, wash your beard once every two days. This is so that not too much oil sticks and causes skin problems such as acne. If your facial skin is normal and not too oily, you can wash your beard and mustache twice a week.

Tips for caring for beards and mustaches

Washing your beard and mustache is actually quite simple. However, there are some tips for caring for beards that you should pay attention to. You don't want to, if you have a beard and your proud mustache is not well maintained? So, consider the following treatment steps.

1. Wash a beard

Always use a special shampoo with a formula that is able to nourish and soften. Avoid washing beards and mustaches with bath soap or facial washing soap. Your beard can become dry and unruly if you don't use hair shampoo. However, you should avoid washing your beard with shampoo every day. If you have to, use shampoo with the most friendly ingredients for hair. Do not choose products that are too hard or make dry beards.

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2. Use conditioner

After washing your beard with shampoo, don't forget to apply the conditioner too, especially if your beard is thick enough. The conditioner functions to smooth and prevent the beard from becoming tangled. Simply apply on the lower end until the middle of the beard, no need to get to the roots. Let stand for about one minute and rinse thoroughly.

3. Dry the beard and mustache

You don't need to wear it hairdryer to dry the beard and mustache. Just pat the beard with a dry towel until the remaining water sticking to the beard is lifted. Don't rub your beard or mustache with a towel because it can make it crumpled, dry, and easily fall out. The shape of a mustache and beard can also be damaged and changed if you do not dry it properly. To maintain the shape, comb slowly according to your beard and mustache model.

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Should Beards and Mustaches be Washed Every Day?
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