5 Simple Things That Turn Out to Be Good for the Brain


Medical Video: 10 Exercises That'll Make You Smarter In a Week

Maintaining brain health is as important as maintaining the health of other body parts. By making the brain continue to be involved in various ways, you can feel various benefits throughout the body. In fact, people with dementia or senile cases can experience a lot of improvement by doing brain exercise. If you feel you have a healthy body, that doesn't mean your brain is just as healthy. You need to know that the more age increases, the cells in the brain will also get older and damaged. Therefore, let's look at various small things you can do everyday and turn out to be good for the brain.

1. Walking in the morning

Sunlight is the most effective treatment, and if you use it correctly, sunlight can make you more focused and energized. That's because light exposure can increase brain activity and higher alertness than drinking a cup of coffee. Blue light can also speed up the time and reaction of the circadian rhythm (body hours that control sleep schedules).

Fortunately, most of us have natural access to blue light sources. Blue light can be found in full sunlight. Blue light in sunlight has up to 1000 times more light than a light bulb. To get the maximum benefit, you have to walk for 15 minutes outside the room at the latest 30 minutes after waking up.

2. Sleep in the dark

Blue light is very good in the morning and throughout your waking hours, but it can cause problems at night. When you are sleepy and want to fall asleep, the brain has ordered the body to rest. This means you have to minimize exposure to blue light on your body. Light on laptops, cellphones, bed lights, street lights, and most other artificial light sources emit blue light, which can reduce melatonin production and reduce sleep quality.

To overcome this, you can use a protective layer to block blue light from the electronic screen. By minimizing exposure to blue light after sunset, you can sleep soundly. Good quality sleep can make you excited when the morning comes.

3. Fasting

Another way to exercise the brain is through intermittent fasting. If you fast for a few hours (for example 16 hours) without eating, then all good things will happen. Besides burning a lot of fat while fasting, your brain cells also become more resistant to stress damage. In addition, intermittent fasting can also increase autophagi, which is the way the brain cleanses itself, by removing old or damaged cells and making room for new ones. In short, not eating can occasionally benefit your brain. However, maybe for some people, holding back hunger is a challenge in itself.

4. Cleanse the brain with active charcoal

You definitely get a lot of poisons in everyday life. However, you can minimize exposure by eating foods that are low in toxins and far from toxic environments, although avoiding poisons is completely impossible. Deodorizing artificial air, cigarette smoke, and others have chemicals that are harmful to your health. With this exposure, the brain chemistry will be chaotic and mental clarity diminishes.

Here is the role charcoal active starts. Charcoal has been used for centuries for detoxification, and is currently still used in hospitals as an antidote to poisons. Charcoal acting as a giant sponge that sucks toxins from the digestive system before it can reach the brain and other organs, so that the body can function properly.

5. Try new things

A study conducted experiments on mice to determine the effect of new things on the human brain. The brain of a mouse that is very similar to humans, makes rats one of the most popular animal models in neuroscience. Researchers compared the brains of mice in different environments, some were given toys, platforms, or puzzles, and some were left in empty plains. In fact, mice with new things experience extraordinary brain development, such as:

  • Experience the growth of new brain cells, and form strong nerve connections.
  • Have a better memory.
  • Learn better.
  • Experience recovery quickly and completely.
  • Produces proteins that trigger neurogenesis and promotes a better feeling of well-being.

This concept also applies to humans. This brain exercise can be considered as a brain trigger activity to continue working. Do something you like every day, whether it's reading, dancing, mountain climbing, writing, cooking, and so on. Giving your brain new ideas to reflect on, new skills to master, and new experiences to enjoy can make your brain stronger, so you can live your life more fully.



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5 Simple Things That Turn Out to Be Good for the Brain
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