6 pieces that should be avoided at breakfast


Medical Video: Top 10 Tasty Breakfasts

Fruit does contain vitamins and minerals that are good for optimizing our body's work. Besides having a natural sweet taste, fruit is also rich in fiber which can help the digestive system and help reduce cholesterol levels. Not infrequently, we also eat fruit in the morning because of its practicality and usefulness.

However, do you know there are some fruits that should not be eaten in the morning? If you consume it, it is feared it will cause problems with the stomach.

What fruit should you not eat at breakfast?

1. Watermelon

Watermelon is enjoyable in the afternoon when the air is hot, but not in the morning. Sweetness in watermelon is caused by high levels of fructose. According to Julia Greer, MD, an assistant lecturer in medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, quoted by Prevention.com states that about 30 to 40 percent of people are unable to absorb fructose entirely, causing flatulence, excessive gas, and diarrhea.

2. Orange

There are so many benefits that can be taken from oranges. Vitamin C contained in oranges has benefits for the immune system and makes the skin healthy. However, eating too many oranges in the morning can cause stomach cramps and diarrhea, because oranges contain high fiber. Excess vitamin C (more than 2000 mg per day) will make you nauseous, vomiting, heartburn, bloating, headache, to kidney stone disease. According to Laura Flores, nutritionist from San Diego, quoted by Livescience.com, oranges include foods with high acid, and this can cause stomach heat. People who have problems with gastric acid reflux will experience heartburn easily when eating too many oranges.

3. Salak

This fruit contains vitamin C, calcium, beta-carotene, iron, and tannins (derivatives of gallic acid). Judging from the content, of course salak has benefits for health, especially for cardiovascular health. However, you should avoid eating zalacca in the morning if you have a gastric ulcer. This is because salak contains high tannins, so it can cause stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, and problems with the liver.

4. Peaches (peach)

This fruit has high fiber and can reduce cholesterol and constipation. But did you know that peaches also contain sorbitol? Sorbitol is difficult to digest so it will cause gas production. Eating it in the morning, can cause you bloating. Sorbitol can also increase dependence on laxatives if eaten in excess, so the large intestine will stop responding to sorbitol stimuli and muscle damage will occur.

5. Apples

Apples for the breakfast menu are believed to be able to provide more energy. The content of vitamin C and antioxidants is associated with health benefits. But did you know that apples can also cause flatulence? Yes, almost the same as peaches, the fructose and high fiber content makes it difficult to digest, so it must be fermented in the large intestine. The result of this fermentation is gas and flatulence.

6. Mango

Ripe mangoes are difficult to avoid, the sweet taste makes everyone want to eat them again. Moreover, mango has its own fruiting season so we don't want to miss it. However, making mango as a breakfast menu doesn't feel right. Mangoes contain fructose which is greater than glucose. This imbalance makes the mango difficult to absorb by the body. In addition, fructose is also difficult to digest. Gas and flatulence can not be avoided. You certainly don't want to not start the day with an uncomfortable stomach?


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6 pieces that should be avoided at breakfast
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