6 Ways to Reduce Appetite Too High


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Do you feel you have a big appetite? Appetite is actually a perception or signal that the brain receives from the senses when seeing food or drink which is then supported by a 'hungry' signal from the body, if the stomach is empty. If not handled properly, a large appetite can lead to weight gain, to obesity. Then how to suppress appetite?

1. Don't skip meals

The body works at all times, including digesting incoming food and drinks. Therefore, it is not good if you skip meals and don't eat anything for more than 4 hours. Eating regularly three times a day, by eating healthy snacks such as fruit, can prevent the body from starvation. When you go through meal time, your appetite will tend to be bigger at the next meal time. This happens because you cannot lie to your body that you are not hungry and then skip meals. For example, when you skip breakfast, your body will release the hormone ghrelin, which is a hormone in your stomach that is useful for sending 'hungry' signals to the brain and then causing an increase in appetite.

A study reported in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2008 found that people who ate three meals a day had food satisfaction and satiety for up to 24 hours compared to people who only ate twice a day. Skipping meals only makes your body starve and tends to eat more portions of food at the next meal.

2. Sleep enough

Many studies have found that lack of sleep can cause weight gain because it tends to eat snacks at night. When you lack sleep, your body will release more of the hormone ghrelin and leptin. Both of these hormones are hormones that can increase appetite. If you sleep at least seven hours every night, this will reduce the levels of these hormones in the body. In addition, people who are insomnia or lack of sleep, tend to feel bored at night and finally look for something that can be done, one of which is eating or snacking.

3. Portions that are right for every meal

The function of the senses is strongly related to appetite, because appetite arises because of stimuli from the outside, namely the eyes that see food or drink and the nose that smells delicious from food. Therefore, the display greatly affects the level of appetite. The portion seen by the eye when food is served also affects appetite. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proves that people who served small portions of appetizers and large portions of main meals spent at least 56% less energy than people who served appetizers and main meals with equal portions. From the study it can be concluded that the first research group realized that their main food portions were too large, because they previously ate small portions of appetizers.

4. Increase fiber consumption

Fiber affects appetite in various ways, namely by replacing foods that are high in calories, increasing chewing movements and facilitating digestion of food and causing the stomach to feel full which ultimately decreases appetite. Research conducted in 2001 stated that increasing fiber consumption by as much as 14% in a day, effectively reducing appetite and making weight loss rapidly.

5. Think before consuming something

Sometimes false hunger appears and makes you confused whether the hunger is really a signal from the body or just 'hungry for eyes' for a moment. Hunger can arise due to you feeling bored, stressed, and emotional. If you have eaten in a span of two to four hours before hunger arises, then you may be experiencing false hunger caused by your emotions. Moment false hunger it appears, it's better to direct yourself to do other things besides eating, such as playing, going out, or doing a hobby that you like. This will reduce appetite because it distracts your mind from the hunger that appears.

6. Do regular exercise

By exercising, the level of the hormone ghrelin decreases. In addition, exercise increases the hormone peptide YY, a hormone that serves to suppress appetite. A study has shown that sports such as swimming, running, and cycling can increase the levels of YY hormone peptide in the body.

The intensity of exercise also determines the level of one's appetite. A study in the International Journal of Obesity states that doing aerobic exercise for 60 minutes can reduce appetite more than doing anerobic exercise with the same duration. Aerobic exercise is a sport that is carried out for a long duration and requires continuous oxygen during exercise, such as swimming, cycling, and jogging. While anerobic exercise is a sport whose oxygen needs cannot be fulfilled by the body and is very draining stamina, such as badminton and weightlifting.


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6 Ways to Reduce Appetite Too High
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