7 Health Problems Due to Lack of Fat


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We may or have often heard that foods high in fat are harmful to health. This is because consuming lots of fat is thought to increase the level of fat in the blood and body, even though the reality is not the case. Various nutrients such as minerals and vitamins consumed can accumulate in the body, but not so with the consumption of fat.

In report newest by Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee in 2015, it was stated that fat or cholesterol is not a nutrient that requires certain intake limits. This is because, it turns out, there is no strong evidence between the relationship between fat intake and serum blood cholesterol. Results review of experimental research in 2015 also showed that fat consumption was not the cause of high cholesterol or the occurrence of heart disease.

Low fat consumption is not a good thing, in general adults need fat consumption by 20% of daily consumption. Consumption of fat that is too low can also cause intake imbalances. Here are some health problems that can be caused by consuming too low fat.

1. Impaired absorption of vitamins

A group of fat soluble vitamins consisting of vitamins A, D, E, and K are vitamins that need fat to be absorbed by the body. When we consume food, the vitamin will dissolve with fat before it is absorbed by the body, but if the fat consumed is too little it will cause fat-soluble vitamins not absorbed perfectly and eventually wasted. As a result, if it occurs continuously it will cause the body to experience a vitamin deficiency.

2. Increases the risk of colon, breast and prostate cancer

Essential fatty acids are components needed by the body and are found in dietary fat. One form of essential fatty acids is omega 3s which is known to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the intestine, breast, and prostate. So, the lack of omega 3 s will increase the risk and accelerate the growth of cancer cells.

3. Low testosterone

One of research Wang showed a decrease in hormone levels of 12% testosterone in men which reduced fat consumption for 8 weeks. The hormone testosterone and other hormones are produced from cholesterol derived from dietary fat. Low testosterone will have an impact on reducing muscle mass, depression, osteoporosis, and reduced libido.

4. Reproductive disorders in women

Lack of fat consumption causes more serious problems in women due to impaired reproductive hormone balance. If the body lacks fat intake because of too little food intake, this can cause the menstrual cycle to be interrupted or even stop. Even women who have less body weight and proportion of body fat will find it difficult to experience pregnancy. Another impact is if the menstrual cycle stops because fat is insufficient, this can cause symptoms such as menopause or premature ovary failure.

5. Hunger

Consumption of fat that meets the needs of the body will provide a feeling of fullness and last longer, especially if we eat processed food foods with the label "low fat". But keep in mind that processed foods contain added sugar or other sweetening ingredients. The effect of hunger is that we tend to spend other foods or eat snacks so that we directly eat more food. The indirect impact is obesity due to more sugar consumption.

6. Cholesterol levels increase

When fat consumption decreases as well as the production of HDL levels by essential fatty acids in the body. HDL or known as good cholesterol functions to transport bad fat or LDL to the liver to be secreted. If HDL is less than LDL, then LDL levels in the blood will be more. This condition can trigger heart disease.

7. Mental health disorders

Fats in food have several components that help in brain health. If someone consumes too low fat, the body may experience a shortage of omega 3s and omega 6s. Both play a role in various production of hormones and brain chemicals and play a role in regulating mood and behavior. As a result of the lack of fatty acids are bipolar symptoms, eating disorders, and lack of ability to concentrate.


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7 Health Problems Due to Lack of Fat
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