7 Tempe Cuisine Creations Not Only Fried Mendoan


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Tempe is a favorite friend of Indonesian rice. Apart from being cheap, tempeh is also relatively easy to create into a variety of creative side dishes. The benefits of tempeh for health do not need to be doubted anymore.

Benefits of eating tempeh for health

Tempe has a very high protein content. Protein content in tempeh is better than meat, so processed soybeans are worthy of being a substitute for meat for vegans and vegetarians.

According to Hermana, Mien Karmini, and Darwin Karyadi (1996), here is a comparison of nutrition between tempeh and meat in 100 grams of presentation:

Comparison of nutritional information of 100 grams of tempeh and 100 grams of meat

In addition, calcium in four pieces of tempeh is reported to be equivalent to a glass of cow's milk. Not only does it have nutrients that can meet the body's daily needs, tempeh contains high antioxidants, including vitamins E and B12.

Five unique, delicious tempeh recipes, but still healthy

Eating fried or bacem tempeh every day can make you bored. Therefore, here are five choices of healthy tempeh recipes and arouse your appetite

1. Kriuk tempe roll sausage

sausage roll tempeh recipe
Kobe Kitchen

If you are used to seeing sausage rolls with noodles or omelette, now you can try a variety of rolls with tempeh.

Materials needed:

  • Medium sized tempe (approx. 200 to 300 grams)
  • 4 beef sausages or chicken sausage
  • 2 packs of 70 gram seasoning flour
  • 130 ml of water
  • Right amount of oil

How to make:

  1. Cut thin tempeh with a wide and elongated shape. Not too thick.
  2. Prepare the container. Pour 1 packet of seasoning flour and mix with 130 ml of water. Mix well.
  3. Prepare a cutting board. Place the tempeh on a cutting board then place the sausage at the end of the tempe. Mount sausage with tempe slowly.
  4. Add the rolled sausage with tempeh in the wet flour mixture.
  5. Prepare the container. Pour 1 packet of seasoning flour. Add the dipped sausage in the wet flour mixture into a container filled with dry flour. Spread until the entire surface of the sausage and tempeh are covered with dry flour evenly.
  6. Heat the oil. Fry the sausage until it's golden brown and has a fragrant aroma. A brownish yellow color will make the taste more crispy and delicious.

2. Tempe crispy burger

Kobe Kitchen

What is the taste of a burger that is not filled with meat but instead the contents of tempeh? Please try it yourself. This can be an alternative for those of you who want to maintain weight.

Materials needed:

  • 2 burger patties
  • 250 gr tempeh
  • 1 packet of seasoning flour (as thickener)
  • 2 packs of crispy flour
  • 1 tomato
  • lettuce to taste
  • enough cucumber
  • chili sauce or mayonnaise to taste for variety

How to make:

  1. Steamed tempeh.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of seasoning flour to the container and mix with enough water.
  3. After steaming, crush tempeh and mix with seasoning flour.
  4. The shape of tempe that has been destroyed resembles meat.
  5. Add the tempeh to the wet mixture of crispy flour.
  6. Smear again with dry mixture of crispy flour.
  7. Fry until golden brown.
  8. Place the bottom burger bread. If you like, you can apply it with chili sauce or mayonnaise to taste
  9. Place lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber piled on top of the bread. Exactly when you are making an ordinary burger
  10. Then this is different. Place tempe crispy substitute for meat over vegetables.
  11. Cover with the top burger bread.

3. Oseng-oseng green chili tempeh

Actually, this type of tempe recipe is simple, but what makes it different is the fresh and tasted green chili kick in

Materials needed:

  • 50 grams of tempeh, cut to length not too thick and not too thin
  • 50 grams of bean sprouts
  • Ing suing the onion, cut it in a circle
  • 2 green chilies, cut into slices
  • 1 red chili, cut into slices
  • 1 teaspoon of oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of corn oil to saute
  • Salt to taste
  • Sufficient pepper powder

How to make:

  1. Saute the onion until fragrant, add red chili and green chili. Stir and cook until wilted.
  2. Add tempeh, oyster sauce, salt, pepper and water. Let it sit for a while until the seasoning permeates.
  3. Add bean sprouts, mix well, cook until the spices soak.
  4. This food is ready to be served.

4. Tempe fried cheese

cheese tempeh recipe
Ummi Online

Nowadays there are many who sell chicken or nuggets with cheese. How about tempe? It turns out that the taste of the tempeh recipe with cheese is not inferior to the others.

Materials needed:

  • 150 grams of tempeh, thinly sliced ​​into 12 parts then steamed
  • 11/2 sheet of cheese, cut into 6 pieces
  • 3 cloves of garlic, puree
  • 50 ml of water
  • salt to taste
  • 1 egg
  • panir flour and oil to fry to taste

How to make:

  1. Soak the tempeh in a solution of water, salt and garlic until it is absorbed. After that lift.
  2. Slip the cheese slices in every 2 slices of tempeh and then roll them into panir flour.
  3. Dip into a beaten egg and salt then roll again into panir flour.
  4. Fry in hot oil until golden brown, remove and drain.

5. Sambal tempe

Not much different from green chili tempeh, the chili sauce used to process tempeh is the characteristic and center of attention. Please try the following tempe recipes.

Materials needed:

  • 150 grams of tempeh
  • Right amount of oil
  • 7 red cayenne fruit
  • 1 large red chili
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3 cm kencur
  • Salt to taste
  • Adequate basil leaves

How to make:

  1. Fried tempeh until cooked.
  2. Using a mortar, puree: cayenne pepper with large red chili, garlic, kencur, and salt.
  3. Add the tempeh to the mixture and rub it roughly. Add enough basil leaves and mix well.
  4. Serve while warm.
7 Tempe Cuisine Creations Not Only Fried Mendoan
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