Can It Really Get Thin Fast If You Don't Eat After 6 Nights?


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For those of you who are on a diet to lose weight, you must often hear the suggestion that you should not eat dinner after 6 pm. Most people believe that having dinner after these hours only increases the number of scales. But, is it true that not having dinner after 6 pm can make your diet successful? Or just destroy your diet so far? Here is the explanation.

What happens to the body when we don't have dinner after 6 pm?

Quitting eating after 6pm does not guarantee your weight will go down. Changes in body weight depend on the calories you get - what you get from food or drinks - and the calories burned when you do physical activity or exercise. So, no matter how strong you refrain from eating dinner after 6 pm, your weight will still rise if the calories from food that enters your body are greater than the calories used for exercise.

Yes, in the end you will only lose weight if you adjust the portion of your meal and do regular exercise, meals are not the main cause.

Even a study found that eating snacks that contain high protein and fiber can help the digestive process to be faster and increase the formation of body muscle cells. Although the respondents in the study did not experience weight loss, their body fat levels decreased and body weight was dominated by muscle mass.

While another study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Excercise in 2012, mentioning healthy foods and drinks can make you sleep better and increase calorie burning in the body.

Does this mean I can have dinner after 6?

Patience first, does not mean you can eat anything you want at night. Limiting eating food at night is still a good thing for your health. The habit of eating at night makes you tend to overeat. Especially when experiencing insomnia, food is often an escape for people to spend the night, so you eat out of control and eventually too many calories enter.

This is the main reason why dinner can increase body weight. At night, you will often eat food in a more relaxed way, such as in front of the television, or while lying on your favorite bed, so you do not realize how much food you have eaten at that time.

What foods can be eaten after 6 pm?

Actually, your stomach must be replenished every 4-5 hours - but not in a large number of calories. So it doesn't matter if you eat snacks after 6pm, the most important thing is how you manage the portion of calories in a day.

If you want to lose weight, then you have to reduce your calorie intake to 500 calories per day. Whereas at night, you can leave 100-200 calories for healthy snacks.

Foods that you can eat after 6 pm are foods that contain high protein, complex carbohydrates, and high fiber. Avoid foods that contain sugar, salt, and high fat, such as soft drinks or snacks that are high in calories.

Can It Really Get Thin Fast If You Don't Eat After 6 Nights?
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