Cinderella Diet Said to Make a Slim Body like a Princess, Apparently Dangerous


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Cinderella? Isn't that a princess in the cartoon series? Then what's the matter with the diet? Well, surely you know that Cinderella in the cartoon series is identical with her slim body? From there the forerunner to the name of this cinderella diet was born. Let's look at the reviews below about the cinderella diet.

Overview of the cinderella diet

This diet comes from Japan which is now in a trend and is starting to appear on social media. This diet aims to make people who do it have a thin body like cinderella. This thin body has a body mass index of less than 18 kg / m squared.

Now this diet challenges the perpetrators to have a body mass index of less than 18, which size is included in the thin category. The cinderella diet is also often called cinderella weight challenge. There is no specific diet protocol from this diet like other diets, which clearly refers more to people having a BMI of less than 18.

What do experts say about the cinderella diet phenomenon?

According to the Asia Pacific criteria, the normal body mass index is 18-22.9. If the body mass index is less than 18 then it is included in the classification of skinny.

According to Gina Keatley, a New York nutritionist revealed that this was not a diet, but rather an aim of unrealistic body size. Being thin doesn't mean healthy. Being thin is just as bad as being overweight.

According to Jessica Cording RD, this diet has a very bad message and gives the concept that skinny is better. This is clearly unsafe and unsettling. The thin body cannot be used as an indicator as the most attractive and healthy person. The community should not be easily carried away with a diet program that is not scientifically proven the truth and side effects.

Side effects of the cinderella diet


If you are underweight, this indicates that you are experiencing malnutrition. This lack of nutrition will affect various health of your body, such as the occurrence of anemia and lack of vitamins. Symptoms that can arise in people who lack nutrients such as:

  • feeling very tired
  • often sick
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Thinning hair, dry skin, and dental problems

Decreased immunity

Research shows that there is an association between the increased risk of infection with thin conditions. People who are thin in the sense of having a body mass index below normal have more inadequate immune responses.

If this is the case, the incidence of infection is more easily experienced. The effects of the infection itself can be more severe in people in the thin category.

Worse yet, people who experience infection will tend to experience a decrease in appetite. Decreased appetite increases the risk of becoming more malnourished.

More severe malnutrition will result in a decrease in the immune system which is also getting worse. The worse the immune system makes the infectious disease even easier to occur. These three things are like a "vicious circle" that is dangerous and will be interrelated so that it needs proper handling.

Therefore, lean conditions do not mean healthy, it is easier to plunge someone into this circle.


Reporting from the Healthline page, thin risk of experiencing low bone density and osteoporosis. A 2016 study in premenopose women found that found that thin women had lower bone density than women who had a normal BMI

The results of this study indicate that malnutrition will increase the risk of osteoporosis greater.


Women who have a low body mass index below normal will increase their risk of experiencing amenorrhea, a condition in which menstruation and menstrual cycle disorders do not occur.

This menstrual cycle disorder can be an indicator that there is no release of eggs that should occur in women. This condition will cause infertility (infertility) in women.

Thinking ability decreases

Reported on the NHS UK website, thinking skills can also be influenced by conditions underweight. The brain basically needs a lot of energy to function properly. Whereas in thin people they have less energy.

This condition tends to make spinning inflexible for people who fall into the thin category. People who fall into that category have difficulty being able to switch topics quickly and have difficulty making decisions.

Cinderella Diet Said to Make a Slim Body like a Princess, Apparently Dangerous
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