Easy Tips to Reduce Distended Stomach


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Got a bloated stomach that sucks. Because not only does it interfere with appearance, a distended stomach has also been shown to cause many health problems - from heart disease, stroke, dementia, to depression.

Do not panic. There are some easy tips you can do to start shrinking the distended stomach. Look here, huh!

A distended abdomen comes from accumulating extra fat in the stomach

Belly fat, or fat visceral, is the type of fat that resides around the organs in your body. Although its presence seems disturbing, however, belly fat is needed by the body because it provides a cushion of shock to important organs in the body.

Unfortunately, if you accumulate too much belly fat, this can have an impact on your body's health.

Why is shrinking a distended stomach difficult?

When a distended stomach is enough to interfere with appearance, most people will work hard to eliminate it. But often, even though it's been hours of exercise or holding back at night, belly fat doesn't disappear. Here are some reasons why shrinking a distended stomach is quite a difficult thing to do:

Too much consumption of process foods

Processed foods can increase inflammation in your body. Therefore, try to consume antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and seeds that can prevent the appearance of belly fat.

Eating the wrong type of fatty food

In fact, the body does not show the same reaction to all types of fat intake. The results showed that the high intake of saturated fats (such as meat and milk) can increase the accumulation of fat in the stomach. While unsaturated fats (olive oil and avocados) actually have anti-inflammatory effects that can have a good impact on the body.

Lack of sleep and stress

Both of them can trigger the body to produce the hormone cortisol which can make your body store fat in the middle of the body.

Lack of exercise

As with the problem of fat accumulation in other parts of the body, abdominal fat cannot be removed just like that. To shrink a distended stomach, you need to combine healthy eating and regular exercise that focuses on exercises in all areas of the body where there is a buildup of body fat. - not just concentration in the stomach.

So, what can be done to eradicate stubborn belly fat?

Tips to easily shrink a distended stomach

Here are some tips that you can do to shrink your big belly:

1. Limit sugar consumption

Even though sugar adds to the delicious food / drink you consume, sugar contains fructose which can cause health problems if consumed in excess. In fact, a study found that there was a relationship between high sugar intake and increased belly fat.

2. Limit carbohydrate consumption

The study found that when you limit carbohydrate consumption, it can reduce appetite and lose weight. In addition, consumption of low carbohydrates can also prevent type 2 diabetes.

3. Increase consumption of protein

Proteins (such as meat, fish, eggs, milk or beans) are nutrients that are very important for controlling weight. High protein intake can increase the release of hormones which can reduce appetite and indicate that you are full. Protein can also increase the body's metabolism and maintain muscle mass during weight loss. A study found that people who consumed more protein tended to have less belly fat than people who consumed only a little protein.

4. Avoid stress

Stress can trigger the adrenal gland to produce the stress hormone cortisol. A study found that high levels of cortisol can increase appetite and encourage storage of abdominal fat.

What's more, women who have had a large waist size from the beginning tend to produce more cortisol in response to stress. Increased cortisol increases the chance of fat accumulating around the center of the body. Therefore, the effort to shrink the bloated stomach is actually simple. In addition to maintaining a diet, you can also do things that you enjoy to reduce stress (such as watching movies, holidays, sports, etc.).

5. Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise (cardio) is done to maintain body fitness and burn calories. The study also found that aerobics is one effective way to reduce belly fat. And regardless of your aerobic intensity, the most important thing is how much / routine you exercise. A study found menopausal women lost more fat from all areas of the body when doing 300 minutes of aerobic exercise per week compared with 150 minutes per week.

6. Get enough sleep

Studies show that lack of sleep tends to trigger weight gain - including fat in the stomach. Therefore, one way you can reduce your stomach is to get enough sleep and quality.

Easy Tips to Reduce Distended Stomach
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