7 Natural Ways to Treat Bronchitis that Can Be Done at Home


Medical Video: Natural At-Home Remedies : How to Treat Bronchitis Without Antibiotics

Many types of diseases that attack the respiratory tract, one of which is bronchitis. Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial duct due to infection. People with bronchitis often experience thickened mucus coughing until the chest feels painful when coughing. Well, talking about treatment, bronchitis treatment can be done simply at home. What do you want to know? See the explanation below.

Some natural bronchitis drugs that can be done alone

1. Get enough rest

Experts say, the cure for all the most basic diseases is getting enough sleep. The Sleep Journal Foundation, which published a study in September 2015, found that people who lack sleep will be vulnerable to the flu virus, compared to those who have enough sleep.

Likewise with bronchitis, when you want to fight infection, your body really needs time to rest the entire system. Because the flu will easily attack the body that is not fit (due to lack of sleep) and often becomes a symptom of bronchitis, according to advice from Amy Rothenberg, a doctor at American Association of Naturopathic.

2. Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of mineral water can be a natural remedy for acute bronchitis.A hydrated body will help thin mucus in the bronchial tubes. Usually, symptoms of fever also accompany people with bronchitis. Well, drinking lots of water can replace lost fluid in the body during the inflammation period. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and containing caffeine during coughing and fever.

3. Eat pineapple fruit and drink ginger tea

There are several plants that are good for natural bronchitis, one of which is pineapple and ginger. Both plants have medicinal effects that can soothe inflamed mucous membranes in the respiratory tract.

  • Pineapple. In the content of pineapple there is a bromelain content. Well, this enzyme bromelain has been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation in the body. Pineapple fruit can also be used to relieve the symptoms of phlegm cough.
  • Ginger. As is well known, ginger has a calming effect on the body. Ginger is good for calming the inflamed respiratory tract, and acts as an expectorant (removing foreign substances in the body). Dr. Amy Rothenberg recommends drinking 2 cups of warm ginger boiled water every day as a medicine for natural bronchitis.

4. Drink a mixture of honey and lemon

Honey, which has long been used as a medicinal concoction since ancient times, in fact has antibacterial properties in it. If combined with fresh lemon juice, which acts as an exterminator of foreign substances in the body, it will be a powerful remedy for natural bronchitis.

Keep in mind, do not give honey to children aged 1 to 3 years, because it will cause symptoms of botulism (poisoning) that can cause muscle paralysis.

5. Evaporation

Inhaling warm steam, it is highly recommended to reduce mucus and wheezing in bronchitis sufferers. This evaporation can be done in an easy and inexpensive way. You only need a basin, hot water and a wide towel.

Pour water in a basin, then you can also add essential oils, such as eucalyptus or eucalyptus oil. After that, cover your head and basin with a large towel, bending down to breathe hot steam from the basin. You can reduce mucus in the bronchial tubes by doing this activity regularly.

6. Gargling with salt water

Actually gargling with salt water does not treat the virus or it acts as an antimicrobial that treats cough viruses in bronchitis. However, it can be used to relieve symptoms of bronchitis.

Researchers in Japan conducted a study of 400 volunteers who volunteered to rinse with water and dissolve it with antiseptics. The result, 36% of people who rinse 3 times a day, lower symptoms of respiratory infections, than those who rarely gargle. So, it is recommended for people with bronchial tract infections, to gargle with salt water regularly to reduce symptoms of infection.

7. Eat warm chicken soup

Researchers at the University of Nebraska published the results of their experimental chicken soup in the journal Chest October 2000 edition. They show, how chicken soup supports resistance to infections of the respiratory tract due to the anti-inflammatory effects in it. Although it cannot cure bronchitis, at least chicken soup can reduce inflammation in the bronchial tract of the body.

7 Natural Ways to Treat Bronchitis that Can Be Done at Home
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