Equally Tasty, Actually Healthier Green Tea or Black Tea?


Medical Video: What's the Difference Between Green and Black Tea

Tea can be regarded as a million people drink. Besides being able to be drunk by all people, tea is also suitable for drinking at any time. Both in the morning, afternoon, evening, or night. Interestingly, tea has a variety of variants that enrich its choices. Among these are green tea and black tea. Indeed, what is the difference between green tea and black tea? Are there special benefits for health?

What is the difference between green tea and black tea?

Both of these teas come from plant leavesCamellia sinensis. The main difference between green tea and black tea is the process of making it. Black tea is processed in such a way through fermentation, while green tea only through one screening process. Because of the differences in processing, the content of these two teas is also different.

Green tea

drink green tea

Green tea is known as a strong source of polyphenol antioxidants, especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). That is why green tea is believed to have a myriad of good properties to support body health.

Its efficacy starts from inhibiting the development of cancer cells, reducing the buildup of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain in people with Alzheimer's, giving a comfortable and relaxing effect to the body, to act as an anti-microbial.

If previously black tea was called through the fermentation process in its manufacture, it was different from green tea. That is why green tea has a much brighter color than black tea.

Black tea

Source: Organic Facts

Not inferior to green tea, black tea also has an antioxidant polyphenol called theaflavin. These compounds form naturally during the fermentation process and contribute as much as three to six percent of the total content of polyphenols in black tea.

The benefits provided are extraordinary. This polyphenol is capable of supporting the production of natural antioxidants in the body; protect fat cells from damage caused by free radicals; lower cholesterol and high blood sugar; and protect the function of the heart and blood vessels.

The process of making black tea is also unique, tea leaves must be ground first while exposed directly to the air to optimize the fermentation process. At this stage the active component of theaflavin is produced. This series of fermentation processes causes tea leaves to turn dark brown, accompanied by changes in taste.

Black tea and green tea have the same benefits

Behind the difference between green tea and black tea, both have the same benefits, including:

1. Improve brain function

Tea contains well-known stimulants, caffeine, which of course is also found in black tea and green tea. Even so, the caffeine content in green tea is relatively less than black tea. Both types of tea also contain the amino acid L-theine.

The interaction between caffeine and the amino acid L-theanine in tea contributes to beneficial benefits, because it can help increase hormone levels of dopamine and serotonin related to better mood swings. On the other hand, caffeine will stimulate the nervous system and L-theanine which releases inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brain.

That is why, the interaction of these two components will lead to increased brain function, alertness, reaction, as well as long-term memory.

2. Protect the heart

No doubt, black tea and green tea are rich in polyphenol antioxidants. More specifically, both contain flavonoids which are one type of antioxidant in the polyphenol group, although in different types.

However, different types of flavonoids in green tea and black tea are considered good in reducing the risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. In fact, green tea and black tea are also said to be able to reduce blood pressure and levels of "bad" or LDL cholesterol.

3. Supports the function of bones and teeth

Black tea and green tea also support healthy bones and teeth thanks to their fluorine content. It's just that black tea has a slightly more fluoride content than green tea. Fluoride will later play a role to prevent the appearance of holes in the teeth by strengthening its structure.

So, which healthier one?

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Although both of these tea variants contain different types of polyphenolic antioxidants, the benefits can be said to be equally good for the body. The only slight difference lies in the amount of antioxidants, the caffeine content, and the amino acid L-theanine.

You can adjust yourself to your nutritional needs or your health condition. If you have GERD or acid reflux for example, green tea can be a better choice because of less caffeine.

The rest, both green tea and black tea have similar properties for health. In fact, green tea and black tea can be the right choice if you are looking for drinks containing caffeine that are not as strong as coffee. So, it never hurts to insert a cup of green tea or black tea as your relaxing friend.

Equally Tasty, Actually Healthier Green Tea or Black Tea?
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