False Hunger: Distinguishing Original Hungry and Fake Hungry



"How often do I feel hungry, huh?" Be careful, you might misinterpret the hunger you feel. Often, you cannot distinguish when the body is really hungry and needs food with hunger because of a momentary desire. If you often feel hungry and follow your wishes, weight gain and even obesity can follow you.

What is that true hunger?

True hunger is a feeling where you are really hungry and your body needs food. You can wait to eat if you need to, and after you eat until you are full, you can stop eating. At the time of feelingtrue hungerYou feel you need to eat, but you don't need to eat certain foods. The food you like and available will satisfy your hunger, and you will not feel guilty after eating.

What is that false hunger?

Different from true hunger, false hunger aka "fake hunger" is hunger that is not necessarily caused by you being really hungry and you need to eat. False hunger can occur because you feel bored or other emotional influences. Feelings of hunger because of emotions usually only want to eat certain foods. Usually the desired food is high in fat and sugar.

At this time, you will continue to eat these foods until they run out without remaining even though you already feel full. This hunger usually appears suddenly and when that time comes you feel like eating right away. Often, you will feel guilty or embarrassed after spending the meal.

How do you recognize fake hunger?

Actually, the decision to eat is influenced by various factors, such as atmosphere, aroma, social arrangements, and others. In addition to satisfying tastes, eating can also calm emotions or to celebrate something. Eating when feeling disappointed, stressed, bored, or happy can cause excessive portions of food, so that you can eventually gain weight. This feeling is what you must pay attention to in order to distinguish true hunger with false hunger.

Before you take food, you should consider the following:

  • When did you last eat? If it's less than 2-3 hours ago, it looks like you don't feel real hunger (true hunger).
  • If you eat small, high-fiber snacks, can you satiate you until the next meal?
  • You can drink one glass of water first, and wait for 20 minutes. Are you still hungry? If you don't feel hungry, maybe it's just feeling false hunger moment.

How to always keep your hungertrue hunger aka real hunger?

Appetite and hunger have complex relationships. When you are hungry, an empty stomach and grelin hormone (hungry hormone) in the blood will signal to the brain that you are hungry. After being full, the nerves in your stomach send signals to your brain that you are full, but this signal takes up to 20 minutes to communicate, and at this moment you may have eaten too much.

The following are tips to help you still feel true hunger:

1. Exercise to control your portion

Usually you are hungry for eyes than you feel hungry stomach. This kind of thing you must recognize and reduce. A researcher named Barbara Rolls and his friend from Pennsylvania State University found that the more food was served, the more you wanted to eat it. The theory is that environmental cues of portion size cover the body's satisfaction signals.

2. Eat foods that are full of water

These foods provide more volume, so the food is more satisfying. Increasing the volume of your food will help fill your stomach, so it gives a signal of satisfaction to your brain faster, and allows you to feel full with fewer calories. Giving gravy to your food is one example.

3. Fiber can help satisfy hunger and reduce appetite

Choose foods that contain high fiber, such as fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Starting a meal with an appetizer in the form of a salad can help you eat fewer calories, because the fiber and water contained in vegetables and fruit is enough to fill your stomach. Remember, fresh fruit contains more fiber and water.

4. Avoid buffet meals

When you are faced with many food choices, you tend to eat more. At this time, all you have to do is limit the menu of food you take and choose foods that contain high fiber first.

5. Include protein during a main meal or a snack

Taking protein-containing foods with less fat can help you fill up longer because they last longer in the stomach. Examples of foods that contain protein with little fat are nuts, low-fat milk, soy protein, lean meat, fish, or chicken.


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False Hunger: Distinguishing Original Hungry and Fake Hungry
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