Guide to Weight Loss with a Color Diet (Red, Orange and Green)


Medical Video: 1 महीने में 10kg & 10 -12inch घटाये, NO DIET, NO EXERCISE, Lose 10 kg in 1 month with ORANGE TEA,

Maintaining an ideal body weight is not only useful to support your appearance. With a healthy weight, your body will feel more refreshed and you will be kept away from various types of diseases. However, what if you are not the type of person who can have a strict diet? Or you the person can't stand hungry? Relax, you can still lose weight through a color diet. Come on, learn about the following color diets and their benefits for the body.

What is a color diet?

A color diet is a special diet that prioritizes the variety of food colors on your plate. So, the focus of this diet is not to calculate calorie, fat, or carbohydrate intake. You only need to focus on choosing certain colors when choosing a meal menu.

The color of food that must be on your plate is red, orange, and green. Food sources that you can choose from vary. Ranging from fruit, vegetables, beans, to meat. The key is to arrange for the color to be balanced. Do not let you only eat food with that color.

In addition to the three mandatory colors, namely red, orange, and green, you are also advised to eat foods with more diverse colors. For example purple, yellow, pink or white. In essence, make sure the food on your plate is colorful.

How does food color affect nutrient intake?

Various studies have proven that the colors found in native food sources such as fruits and vegetables have their own nutritional content and function. The brighter or thicker the color, the better the properties for the body.

Red and orange foods, for example, are rich in carotenoids that are good for immunity and eye health. While green foods contain various types of vitamins and minerals that can help prevent disease.

Besides being rich in nutrients, colorful foods tend to be low in calories, but high in fiber. Therefore, you will be full longer without worrying that calories will be stored as fat reserves in the body.

By trying to make food colorful, you will automatically reduce the intake of fatty foods and high in calories such as fried foods or meat with gajih.

You can also limit carbohydrates from white rice and balance them with green foods, for example vegetables or beans. Your diet becomes easier and won't feel torturous.

Guidelines for taking a color diet to lose weight

To lose weight while maintaining health, you can try a color diet with the following tips.

1. Breakfast

Most people choose a breakfast menu like fried rice or egg rice in the morning. Besides being colorless, most rice in the morning can increase blood sugar levels. Excess sugar will be stored as a fat reserve so you are fast fat.

For that, choose a colorful breakfast menu like oat porridge with strawberries, bananas, grapes, and mangoes. If you want to eat rice with eggs, reduce the portion of rice and add broccoli or beans.

2. Lunch

Lunch is a good time to add a variety of colors to your plate. Don't just eat rice with fried chicken and vegetables. Replace with meat without sugar and skin and vegetable capcay.

You can also replace white rice with other colorful carbohydrate sources. For example red rice, corn, or sweet potatoes.

Do not forget, make sure your vegetables have colors that light up like red and orange. For example from carrots and tomatoes. Also try to reduce the portion of the rice so that your food is more dominant in bright colors.

3. Dinner

Do you like to eat chicken satay with rice cake at night? You should replace it with a more colorful menu. For example kale with chili, tomatoes, and fresh petai. You can also add low-fat meat like shrimp.

As a choice of colorful vegetables, you can choose purple cabbage, yellow or orange cauliflower, peppers, and eggplant. Remember, your plate must have more bright colors than the pale color of meat or rice.

4. Snack

Relax, you can still snack while on a color diet. The key is to choose healthy, natural and colorful snacks. Choose snacks such as edamame beans or fresh fruits.

However, you still have to pay attention to the portions, huh. Don't let you eat too much fruit or nuts. Because, natural and healthy foods also still contain calories that can make weight gain. So, limit snacking at most twice a day with small portions.

Guide to Weight Loss with a Color Diet (Red, Orange and Green)
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