How Much Sugar Should You Reduce If You Want to Avoid Obesity?



Eating lots of sugary foods is identical to diabetes and obesity, which can open the gate to more other chronic diseases. For this reason, you and your family must start reducing your daily sugar intake so that you live healthier. But how much sugar should be reduced to protect yourself from the risk of these diseases, and how do you reduce them? Check out more in this article.

Consumption of excess sugar causes weight gain

During this time you might think that fatty foods can increase body weight. So, when you are running a weight-loss program, you avoid eating fatty foods, such as fried foods, fast food, fatty meat, and others.

But make no mistake, you should also reduce sugar consumption when you want to lose weight. Because, in the body, excess sugar from your daily diet will be stored in the form of fat which can cause weight gain.

This effect will certainly be the same if you "diligently" drink sweet packaging. Most packaging drinks are enriched with artificial sweetenerswhich can endanger health.

Just reducing the portion of daily sugar immediately feels the benefits

A recent study has proved quite surprising. The study, published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association (JAOA), proves that reducing sugar consumption for less than two weeks can improve metabolic function and improve overall health in both adults and children.

Reducing the consumption of sugar, especially fructose sugar (such as high-fructose corn syrup which is commonly contained in soft drinks), can help prevent health problems, including obesity, fatty liver, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. in the form of fat. 90% fructose is metabolized in the liver and converted to fat up to 18.9 times faster than glucose (for example: table sugar).

Fructose has no nutritional value and triggers satiety signals to the brain. So, even though your body has consumed it in large quantities and stored it as fat, the brain doesn't realize that you have eaten. As a result, you will continue to feel hungry. This can then encourage you to eat again and again, so your body weight rises and the risk of disease increases.

Fructose is a sugar that is naturally present in fruit, but in small amounts. So don't worry, fructose in the fruit will not endanger your health. But, fructose sugar contained in soft drinks or sweet foods is very high in number and can endanger your health.

How much sugar should be reduced?

Reducing consumption of sugar, especially high-fructose corn syrup, is an easy way to improve your health, without having to go on a diet and limit calorie intake. So, for those of you who have excess weight or normal, you should reduce your sugar consumption now.

WHO recommends that you limit sugar consumption to no more than 5-10% of your daily calorie intake. Or, no more than 30 grams of sugar (around 7 teaspoons) per day. Try to calculate, is your sugar consumption less than 30 grams per day or even more? Not only do you add sugar in tea or coffee that you make, but also calculate the sugar in sweet foods, packaged foods, and packaging drinks that you consume.

It may be difficult to calculate how much sugar has entered your body, but try to reduce your sugar consumption slowly. If you consume packaged foods or drinks, make it a habit to see nutritional value information on the packaging. This is done to find out how much sugar content is in it. So, it makes it easy for you to estimate how much sugar you consume.

How Much Sugar Should You Reduce If You Want to Avoid Obesity?
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