Irregular Eating Habits Increase the Risk of Heart Disease


Medical Video: Preventing Heart Disease with a Healthy Lifestyle

Maybe you already know that having regular meals is a good habit. But, not infrequently people who still have time to eat carelessly, even though these habits can endanger your health. Do not believe? See the following explanation.

Irregular meal times increase the risk of heart disease

Heart disease is currently one of the main causes of high mortality in the world. Heart disease can be caused by irregular eating times.

Actually, many studies have proven and reported how important it is to regulate the frequency and time of eating for health.One of them is research published in the journal Circulation (American Heart Association). In the study it was known that people who do not have a good and regular eating schedule every day tend to be at higher risk for heart disease, such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and so on.

Schedule irregular meals including if you often skip breakfast time, delay eating, or dinner habits that are too tight with bedtime. Both habits are the most widely performed, which is certainly not good for heart health.

Why does eating time affect heart health?

Your body has its own time in carrying out all its activities and functions, including processing and digesting the food it enters. This is called the circadian rhythm. Irregular eating times can cause heart disease because it damages your body's rhythm and 'working hours'.

If you always eat with the same schedule every day it will make it easier for your body to digest food. In addition, people who do not eat with regular hours tend to eat more portions of food than those who eat regularly.

For example like this: You intentionally don't eat breakfast even though all night you don't have any empty stomach. This will trigger your appetite to increase when you eat lunch later, so that the portion of your lunch is more, even out of control. This habit will make heart health threatened.

Actually, there are no definite recommendations regarding good eating time. Even so, you should have your own meal time. Confused how to set the schedule? You can see the guide here.

ideal meal portions

The frequency and portion of food also affects heart health

The frequency and portion of food will also affect your heart health. How not if every day you eat food with a large portion and too often. Remember, all calorie foods you eat will be fat in the body - if not used. Meanwhile, fat deposits are the main cause of heart disease.

If you want, try choosing one. Want to eat more often but the portions are small or just a few meals with enough portions as needed? This really depends on your habits and body. There are people who often feel hungry all day and some are the opposite.

If indeed you like feeling hungry, then the most appropriate eating pattern is often the frequency but the portion is small. This habit can help 'fool' your stomach because it is constantly filled. But don't forget too, it must be accompanied by regular meal times so that the body has a regular activity schedule.

Irregular Eating Habits Increase the Risk of Heart Disease
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