3 Important Benefits of Reading Books for Little Growth


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Reading is a window to the world, meaning people who love reading must have broader insights than those who don't. Well, people who like to read books are usually taught by their parents from childhood so that they become accustomed to, even become hobbies. Why should you introduce the world of reading to children from an early age? Come on, find out the benefits of reading a book for the following children.

Benefits of reading books for children

Reading is a positive activity for anyone, including children. That is why many parents begin to introduce the habit of reading books to children from childhood. Actually, what are the benefits of reading books for children?

1. Increasing children's brain and mental abilities

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Reporting from Children Healthcare of Atlanta, according to the American Academy of Pediatric in its 2014 study, there are many benefits of reading books for children. Reading has a positive influence on the developing child's brain. In fact, the effect can also be obtained from the baby when they still cannot read, but their parents read the story.

Books that consist of a series of words, numbers, pictures and other elements, are able to develop children's skills in thinking. This affects how they talk, solve problems, write, and even gain experience.

In addition, a study conducted by Emory University in Atlanta shows that fiction books stimulate children to recognize their own emotions and those around them. In fact, children who like fiction books tend to have high imagination and creative ideas. While children who often read nonfiction books, can build a self-image that is strong, confident and high-minded.

2. Improve the bond between children and parents

benefits of reading books for children

Busy parents often miss special moments with children. This condition can even make children feel less attention. Reading can be a fun time to increase the bond between parents and children, according to a number of studies.

Not just building bonds, reading is also a way for parents to teach children a variety of knowledge, information, and aspects of life that are in the books they read.

3. Supporting the future

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Children who are used to reading books are usually more focused on their desires or dreams in the future. They are also encouraged to know more about the things they like.

When they were teenagers, they could focus on wrestling, finding out, even practicing what they could do according to their ideals from the book. In addition, reading also gives them an understanding of the responsibilities and risks of an act or behavior.

How to introduce reading habits to children from childhood

Already know, right, what are the benefits of reading books for children? For that, it's a shame if you just skip it. You can introduce reading habits to children even before the baby can read and speak.

For babies, you can introduce interesting and interactive books, such as more colorful, more illustrations than text, and themes that kids like, such as animals. Position the child in your lap with the book in front of him, so that the child feels close to you, can hear your voice more clearly, and pay attention to the book better.

You need to show pictures and emphasize words and even repeat them a few times, this helps the baby to strengthen the vocabulary he just got. If the child shows interest in a particular book, let him read it repeatedly. For ages 2 to 5, you can take the child to go to the bookstore and let him choose the preferred reading book.

3 Important Benefits of Reading Books for Little Growth
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