4 Causes of Gray Hair, Plus How to Overcome It


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The appearance of gray hair is a sign that a person's age is no longer young. However, if this condition occurs in children, as a parent you are certainly worried. Although included in rare cases, this condition can occur in children. To overcome this, you certainly have to know the cause. What are the causes of gray hair in children? Find out the answer below.

Various causes of gray hair in children

As we get older, melanocytes will stop producing. Melanocytes are cells that produce melanin, the pigment that gives color to the skin and hair. The less melanin decreases, the hair color will turn gray and eventually turn white. This condition is normal in adults, but can also occur in children.

Some of the causes of gray hair in children that parents need to know, include:

1. Genetic

gray hair not only on the head

One factor that causes changes in hair color to gray or white in children is genetic factors. Children who have a family history of graying faster, are usually at high risk of experiencing premature graying compared to normal children.

2. Having certain diseases

infectious disease in children

Reporting from Livestrong, there are several diseases that can cause changes in hair color. Along with symptoms of gray hair, children may show other symptoms such as seizures, hearing loss, and tumors. Some of these diseases are:

  • Vitiligo, a disease that causes the skin's ability to produce melanin to be disrupted. In addition to changes in hair color, white spots can appear on the body.
  • Graves' disease or Hashimoto's disease, a disease that causes the thyroid to work abnormally; become more active or less active.
  • Waardenburg's tuberous sclerosis and neurofibromatosis syndrome, a disease that can cause pigmentation to disappear.

3. Vitamin B12 deficiency

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Vitamin B12 is needed by the body so that the nervous system can work properly. In addition, this vitamin also maintains healthy hair, skin, nails, and the production of DNA and RNA in the body. This vitamin can be found easily in foods such as fish, shellfish, meat and dairy products.

Research shows that hair discoloration in children can be a sign that children are deficient in vitamin B12. Apart from food intake, this condition is prone to occur in children who have undergone major surgery. Their stomachs may not function properly so they fail to absorb the vitamin B12 present in food.

4. Affected by hazardous chemicals

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In addition to the factors that exist in the child's body, the use of hair care products or exposure to smoke from cigarettes can also be a cause of gray hair in children. Various chemicals contained in products such as shampoo, can make hair become rough, dry, and damaged. Over time, hair can be damaged and trigger the appearance of gray hair.

Exposure to cigarette smoke is not only harmful to the respiratory tract, but also has a negative impact on hair health. High exposure to cigarette smoke can cause oxidative stress and reduce melanin production.

How to deal with children who experience premature gray hair?

Overcoming children with conditions like this must be in accordance with the cause. So, the condition of the hair or the health of the child's body gets better. Some ways you can do to support children's hair health, including:

  • Follow treatment and treatment procedures according to doctor's advice if graying hair is caused by a medical disorder.
  • Meet the nutritional needs of children with nutritious food; rich in vitamin B12, vitamin A, zinc, iron, and protein.
  • Avoid children from exposure to cigarette smoke, especially if there are family members who smoke.
  • Choose hair care products that are suitable for the child's age. Avoid products that use parabens or phthalates that are harmful to children's health.

Reporting from Mom Junction, there are home remedies with ingredients that are easy to help improve children's hair health, such as:

  • Using aloe vera. The trick is to apply aloe vera gently to the scalp and leave for half an hour. Then, rinse the hair using cold running water. Use drugs that have been given by a doctor.
  • Using black tea. The way to put the tea leaves into boiling water and strain the tea. Then, massage the child's scalp with the tea leaves and leave for one hour. Rinse with cold water without using shampoo.
  • Using a mixture of almond oil with lemon juice. How to mix both ingredients and apply gently to the scalp and hair of the child. Leave it overnight and clean the next morning with cold water.
4 Causes of Gray Hair, Plus How to Overcome It
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