4 Common Diseases that Occur in School Children


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Schools should be a safe place for children. However, who would have thought that there were so many sources of illness in schools that could attack your sons and daughters. Don't worry, usually the types of diseases that are often contagious in school are not too serious and can be handled.

However, you still need to be vigilant so that children are not easily infected with various types of diseases in the following schools.

Types of diseases in schools that are easily spread

1. Cough, runny nose, and sore throat

Coughing, runny nose and sore throat are very common in school children. These three diseases are usually symptoms of flu.

The flu is easily infected by air, for example when a person who is sick with the flu coughs and sneezes so that the germs are released. If it is inhaled and enters the child's body when his immune system is weak, the child will be infected.

Because this disease is usually caused by a virus, a good way to prevent it is to improve child's immune system against disease.

2. Chicken pox

Almost every child has experienced a disease caused by the Varicella zoster virus. Chickenpox is quite common in schools and can last from seven to ten days. If one person has chickenpox, it will almost certainly spread to the surrounding friends.

Chickenpox is very easily transmitted to people around the patient. If your child has chickenpox, ask your child to take a break at home so that they don't spread to their friends. It is better to wait until the smallpox leaves are completely dry so that the risk of transmission is reduced or completely gone.

3. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common symptom caused by many things. For example intolerance to food (such as lactose), food allergies, bacterial and viral infections, to diseases of the intestine.

Diarrhea is quite common in schools so it tends not to be taken seriously. Even though, if not handled, children who get diarrhea can be seriously dehydrated.

So that the child is not exposed to diarrhea, teach your child to wash their hands with soap, avoid snacking in a haphazard place, and store the food properly.

4. Worms

Diseases in schools that are very common are worms. Worms are common in children under the age of 10 years.

This disease occurs because worms or worm eggs enter the body's organs through food or other surfaces contaminated with worm eggs. For example, when children play in the school yard or snack at random.

There are many types of worms that attack children. However, one of the most common is pinworms or Enterobius vermicularis. The symptoms that appear are continuous itching around the anus, even around until the pain and irritation occur.

So that the child is not exposed to intestinal worms, remind the child to always wash their hands after playing in the open (especially if they hit the ground) and before eating.

4 Common Diseases that Occur in School Children
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