4 Common Symptoms of Bone Cancer in Children that Parents Should Be Aware of


Medical Video: Q&A: What is Ewing sarcoma? | Texas Children's Cancer and Hematology Centers

Bone cancer has many types. Two things that should be especially wary of parents are osteosarcoma and ewing sarcoma because they most often attack children. Well, although in general cancer does not always immediately cause significant problems, there are some typical symptoms that can appear in the first months. Therefore, let's recognize and be aware of various symptoms of bone cancer in children so that your child can quickly get treatment before it's too late!

What are the symptoms of bone cancer in children?

ankle fracture in a child

1. Bones are painful or painful

The earliest and most common sign that might indicate that cancer cells have invaded bone is pain in the target area of ​​the bone. For example, osteosarcoma usually attacks the shin, femur, and arm bones. Meanwhile, ewing sarcoma more often attacks the spine, pelvis, feet and hands.

Initially the child may only complain of bone aches that feel like aches after exercising or rheumatic pain after doing other strenuous activities. Gradually the pain will worsen even after taking painkillers and resting.

2. A lump appears on the bone

In addition to pain in one part of a specific bone, also pay attention to whether there is swelling or lumps in the area.

Cancerous lumps that appear on the legs or arms may be easier to see. Conversely, cancerous lumps that grow in the pelvis are rather difficult to detect until they are large enough.

Bone cancer lumps can be misinterpreted as a bruised bump due to a hard object, but if it does not heal after treatment it may be a symptom of bone cancer in children.

3. Difficulty walking

Cancer cells that have developed so far will make it difficult for the child to walk normally, making him appear lame. In some cases, bones tend to be weaker and even prone to fracture. This is the result of malignant cancer cells that have weakened bone function.

4. Other symptoms

In addition to some of the symptoms above, pay attention to other symptoms that can appear simultaneously. Covering the body of a child's fever for no apparent reason, severe fatigue, until the weight decreases.

Various symptoms of bone cancer in the child above can be very similar to other health problems, so immediately consult a doctor if your child continues to complain about his health lately.

4 Common Symptoms of Bone Cancer in Children that Parents Should Be Aware of
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