Can Diabetes People Eat Eggs Or Not?


Medical Video: Can We Eat Egg In The Diabetes ?

Eggs are a versatile food that is rich in protein. Not only is it rich in nutrients, chicken eggs are relatively cheap and easy to obtain. How to process eggs is also very easy, can be boiled and fried or become raw material for cakes. However, what about people who have diabetes mellitus? Can you still eat eggs? Check out the review below.

Can people with diabetes eat eggs?

The American Diabetes Association considers eggs to be a very good choice for people with diabetes mellitus. This is because one egg contains half a gram of carbohydrates which is quite low, so it is estimated that eggs will not increase the blood sugar of people with diabetes. Besides not increasing blood sugar, eggs are able to provide other nutrients that the body needs.

Benefits of eggs for the health of people with diabetes

One whole chicken egg contains 7 grams of protein. Eggs are also a good source of potassium. Potassium will help maintain nerve and muscle health. Potassium also helps balance the level of sodium in the body to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Eggs also have other ingredients, such as lutein and choline. Lutein will be a body armor, helping fight disease. While choline helps improve brain health. Egg yolks also contain biotin, which is very important for healthy hair, skin, nails, and also insulin production.

According to Elizabeth Ebner, a registered nutritionist and diabetes expert in New Jersey, United States, eggs are considered a protein with high biological value. That is, eggs are able to provide all the essential amino acids the body needs.

With all the benefits, you also don't need to be afraid of being fat by eating eggs. Just one egg contains 75 calories and 5 grams of fat (with 1.6 grams of saturated fat).

This egg protein will make people with diabetes mellitus full longer and can help control their weight. A healthy weight will be very beneficial for diabetics because it helps reduce insulin resistance.

What about the cholesterol content of eggs?

Although eggs are rich in benefits, eggs should not be consumed too much for people who have diabetes mellitus because the cholesterol content is quite high.

Research shows a high level of egg consumption (more than 7 items a week) can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. While reported by the Everyday Health page, according to other studies, moderate consumption of eggs (about 4 items per week) can help reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus and heart disease.

Although the relationship is not known with certainty, the researchers assume that excessive cholesterol intake from eggs or from other animal foods will increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes mellitus.

Current recommendations indicate that people with diabetes mellitus should consume no more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol every day. While one whole chicken egg contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol.

So, basically the eggs are safe and beneficial for people with diabetes. With a note you don't overeat. Whereas eating eggs is mostly harmful to health.

How many eggs can you eat a day?

People with diabetes should limit their consumption of whole eggs three times a week. However, if you only eat the whites, you can eat more than that.

All of this cholesterol is in egg yolk. Therefore, you can eat egg whites without worrying about how the eggs will affect your daily cholesterol stack. While you need to limit the egg yolks. Egg yolks are rich in nutrients. Almost all vitamin A in eggs is found in egg yolks. This also applies to choline, omega-3 and calcium nutrients.

How do you treat eggs for people with diabetes?

Besides being versatile, eggs can also be prepared in various ways according to your taste. You can mix it with vegetables as a good diet for people with diabetes.

However, you must remain careful when processing it. A chicken egg should be healthy for the body. However, if fried with butter or other added fat, your eggs might become unhealthy. Also avoid serving eggs with foods that contain lots of sodium, for example packaged foods such as sausages or nuggets.

Boiled eggs are high-protein snacks that are very useful for people with diabetes. Egg protein helps you stay full without affecting blood sugar levels.

Can Diabetes People Eat Eggs Or Not?
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