4 Tips for Teaching Children Fasting for the First Time


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Small children who are not puberty are not required to undergo Ramadan fasting. However, you as a parent certainly has nothing wrong if you want to introduce children about Ramadan fasting from an early age. So, when he is already puberty later and is obliged to fast, he can already run Ramadan fasting well. Then, how to teach children fasting first?

Tips for teaching children to fast for the first time

Teaching children fasting may be difficult for you. Sometimes there are children who want to fast like other family members, and there are also children who do not want to. Before teaching children fasting, you should first give understanding to children what fasting is and why they need to run it every year. After being given understanding, children may find it easier to attend fasting.

The following are tips for teaching fasting children for the first time:

1. Give the child an example

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Giving lessons to children should by example. This makes it easier for children to practice it. An example is from yourself.

When you are fasting, your child will ask what fasting is, why don't you eat or not, and so on. This will lead to curiosity of the child, so the child wants to try it and practice it himself. Remember, at the age of a young child, children can easily imitate the behavior of someone around them.

2. Does not force children to fast full or according to your wishes

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Give the child leeway to fast. You need to remember that the child is still in a period of growth and development where he still needs a lot of nutrition. In addition, young children also cannot help themselves to get the amount of food and drink that they need. So, forcing children to fast full or fast every day can cause health risks to children.

It's best to start teaching children to fast slowly. Starting from fasting several hours in one day then increase again if the child has successfully passed it. Most importantly, children know what fasting is and how to do it. The child's ability to fast will also increase over time along with his habit of fasting.

3. Ask the child to fast from certain foods

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If the child is used to eating certain foods or favorite foods, ask the child to avoid these foods while fasting. For example, if the child likes chocolate and chips, ask the child not to eat it during fasting hours.

This can help eliminate bad habits of child consumption patterns. In addition, it can also help children appreciate food more.

4. Give appreciation to the child if he has successfully run fast

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Regardless of how many hours the child has fasted or how many days the child follows fasting, you should reward your child after he has fasted. This award can increase children's enthusiasm to participate in fasting again and again. You don't have to give a gift to a child, just praise him and say he is a great child. The child is already being and is more enthusiastic about fasting.

You can also provide your child's favorite food when it's open. This is also one of the things that makes children happy when fasting. However, keep choosing healthy foods for children that contain important nutrients for children, such as foods that contain carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Do not get used to giving gifts to children with sweet foods because it can have a negative impact on children's eating habits.

4 Tips for Teaching Children Fasting for the First Time
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