9 Ways to Increase Pumped Breast Milk Production


Medical Video: How I Increase My Milk Production And Supply!

Many mothers who might have a difficult experience removing milk especially when pumped. You need to know, the breast produces and secretes milk when there is stimulation such as baby's suction. Then what about when milking milk with a pump? Let's look at ways to increase the production of pumped milk.

Tips for milking the milk with a pump

1. Choose the right breast pump

Choose a pump with good quality. Electric pumps are rated better than hand-operated pumps. Actually it is okay if the mother sometimes uses the pump by hand, but this is not good enough to maintain the smooth flow of milk.

In addition, choose the size of the pump that matches the mother's breast. If the size is not right, it can make the breast blister. Then, to get the best results, follow the instructions given when using the pump.

2. Be diligent in pumping

Mothers should milk the milk according to the baby's suckling schedule. Newborns usually drink milk every 2-3 hours (8-12 times per day). Means the mother must also be diligent in pumping every 2-3 hours. Pump for 10-15 minutes at a time.

When pumping, it can be found too let down reflex that is, when the milk comes out by itself. But let down reflex usually occurs a few moments after being pumped. Continue pumping until no more milk comes out of the breast. You can also add duration every time you pump 1-2 minutes longer.

3. Method power pump

There is a method called power pump to increase pumped milk production. Keep in mind that this method is not a substitute for the pump schedule that you usually do. This method is used as a strategy to increase milk production. This method is done by making an empty breast so that it will give a signal to the body to increase milk production.

To do power pump, provide one hour each day (for example at 7am every morning) and do the pumping pattern as follows:

  1. Pump for 20 minutes; rest for 10 minutes
  2. Pump for another 10 minutes; rest for 10 minutes
  3. Pump for another 10 minutes; then finished

In this method, it means that the mother pumps for 40 minutes in a total time of 60 minutes. After that, do the pump according to the regular schedule that is usually done. Most mothers feel the results of the method power pump this is after 3 days but there are also those who just feel the results after 7 days.

4. Pump in a comfortable position

Position yourself in a comfortable position. Try to keep the mother close to the baby. When a mother is close to a baby, it can increase milk and trigger it let down reflex when pumping.

5. Use a warm towel

Before pumping, you can compress by placing a warm towel on the breast. In addition, massage can also be done on the breast. This can help facilitate breastfeeding.

6. Eat nutritious food

When mothers are breastfeeding or pumping, food intake must be maintained properly because breastmilk production requires additional energy. Eat nutritious foods including those that are high in calories and foods that can increase milk production.

7. Drink plenty of water

Just as mothers who breastfeed directly, mothers who milk the milk or use a pump for breastfeeding should drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine like coffee, tea or soda.

8. Medication for enhancing breast milk

If the mother continues to experience difficulties in producing pumped milk, try consulting a doctor. There are drugs that indeed function can increase milk production (galactagogues) However, drug consumption alone is not good enough to increase milk production. Mothers also still have to diligently pump to provide stimulation to the breast.

9. Get enough rest

The last but not least is adequate rest. Mothers should still have time to rest even though pumping is done frequently. Mothers still have to pay attention to health and do not get tired.

9 Ways to Increase Pumped Breast Milk Production
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