3 Causes of Foaming Mouth You Need to Beware


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As the name suggests, foamy mouth is a condition when the mouth suddenly ejects foam with different amounts. Can be in many or fewer volumes. This depends on the cause. So, what are the causes of mouth can remove foam? Can this condition cause death? See the following review.

What causes foaming at the mouth?

Basically foam that comes out of the mouth is a very rare thing, unless there is a problem with your health condition. There are various conditions that show symptoms of frothy mouth and you must be aware of it as a result of being fatal.

1. Seizures

Seizures are a neurological disorder when nerves in the brain communicate abnormally with each other. The result that is often caused by seizures is a partial or whole body movement that is not controlled.

However, do not misinterpret seizures similar to epilepsy. Because these are two different things. Indeed all epilepsy is usually characterized by seizures, but not all seizures indicate epilepsy.

So, unlike many people, foaming at the mouth is not always and not necessarily a symptom of epilepsy. To get certainty, see a doctor immediately.

Seizures that occur so great can be the cause of foamy mouth. This happens because when the spasm, the mouth will become more stiff and closed. In addition there is excessive activation of the salivary glands. This makes you produce more saliva, but you can't swallow it. As a result, when the mouth is open saliva which has turned into foam out of the mouth.

2. Drug overdose

Maybe you often hear dose dosing errors when taking drugs or drugs that eventually lead to drug overdose. A person can use drugs for several reasons. For example, in people who feel depressed, this drug is felt to affect the work of the brain to provide a feeling of relaxation, which eventually becomes drug dependence.

There are two categories of drugs that can cause dependence: depressants (painkillers) and stimulants. One of the depressant drugs comes from opioids, namely heroin, oxycontin and vicodin. While the types of stimulants are ritalin, methamphetamine, and adderall. If you consume too many of these drugs, chances are that you will experience an overdose.

Actually, the use of hard drugs that have passed the BPOM test is not strictly prohibited, provided that they are according to the instructions and dosage of their use. When you consume it not according to the dose, there are various symptoms that you will feel. One of them is foamy mouth.

The reason is, when the body cannot receive the number of drugs that enter, then the work of organs such as the heart and lungs will not function properly. Movement of the heart and lungs that are slowing down due to the use of depressant drugs will cause fluid to accumulate in the lungs and then be mixed with carbon dioxide and then out of the mouth in the form of foam.

3. Rabies

Rabies is an infectious disease caused by the rabies virus. This disease attacks the central nervous system which is transmitted from animals to humans. Generally only certain animals carry the rabies virus, for example dogs, wolves, foxes, and raccoons.

Humans can get this virus if they get bites on the skin, open wounds, or scratches on your skin from animals carrying the virus. Because rabies virus is in animal saliva. It is important for you to be aware of symptoms caused by rabies, especially if you are raising animals at high risk for rabies.

The most common symptoms are foam discharge from the mouth. This happens because the rabies virus affects the work of the nervous system, which ultimately makes animals and humans unable to swallow their saliva to produce foam from the mouth.

Suggestions for those of you who get bites from animals at risk of rabies, you should wash the wound thoroughly with antiseptic soap to remove germs. Contact your doctor immediately after you have been bitten by a suspected animal rabies.

What treatment can be given to patients with foamy mouth?

Immediately contact your doctor and seek medical attention when the person closest to you suddenly shows symptoms of foaming at the mouth. Especially if this happens quite often.

Quoted from the Healthline page, handling caused by foamy mouth varies depending on the cause:

  • Overdosage due to opioid drugs can be treated with injections of naloxone or narcan injectable to relieve symptoms. However, in overdose of stimulant drugs there is no specific treatment to deal with it.
  • Seizures due to epilepsy can be relieved by giving antiepileptic drugs, while seizures that are not due to epilepsy can be treated by looking for a cause because of the seizure and the doctor will treat the condition of the cause.
  • If you have a pet at risk of contracting rabies, you can prevent this disease by vaccinating rabies.
3 Causes of Foaming Mouth You Need to Beware
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