Characteristics of a Child's Body Begins to Enter the Age of Puberty


Medical Video: These Are The Signs That You Are Going Through Puberty

"My child has started puberty yet, huh?" You need to know, the age of puberty in a child can vary between children. Some children enter puberty faster and others are slower. Many factors can affect it all. Most importantly, you know the characteristics of puberty in children and pay attention to various changes in the child's body, so you can support the growth and development of children at this time.

Do not let you miss a child's puberty. Puberty can be the last time a child grows and develops. At this time the peak of growth occurs (growth spurt) child, which is the second fastest growth period after infancy. At this time, adequate nutrition and physical activity can support a child's growth, such as the child's height.

The characteristics of the child's body have begun to enter puberty

Puberty or puberty is a sign that children have begun to enter adolescence. At this time, children experience various changes, especially their physical changes. Physical changes in boys and girls at the age of puberty are different, the age at puberty is also different between the two. Usually, girls enter puberty faster than men.

Puberty in girls

Women usually enter puberty at the age of 8-13 years. This age is very varied, some even earlier before the age of 8 years or later after the age of 13 years.

The first sign of puberty

The first sign in puberty girls is usually the nipples that begin to appear. The part of the breast usually becomes very soft and begins to enlarge after several months. In addition, the pubic hair has also begun to grow, followed by hair growth in the armpit.

If the child has experienced breast growth and pubic and armpit hair growth, the sign will soon be the child will reach the peak of growth and will also experience menarche.

What happens next?

More or less after 1-2 years the first signs of puberty appear, then the child's body will begin to build fat, especially in the chest and around the hips and thighs, leading like an adult woman. The child's body will begin to enlarge, especially in the arms, thighs, hands and feet of the child. At this time, the weight of girls will increase.

In addition to the body of a child who starts to grow because of an increase in fat and weight, the child's height also increases. Remember, the height of height growth in women occurs before girls get menarche. Therefore, before girls get menarche, it is important that you always meet their nutritional needs to help maximize the growth of the child's height.

Many people think that the sign of a girl entering puberty is when she has her first menstruation (menarche). However, long before that, when a child's body has shown various changes to body shape like an adult woman, actually the child has entered puberty.

Menarche usually starts around 18 months to 2 years after the child shows the first signs of puberty. In general, girls get their first menstruation at the age of 13, but this varies greatly.

Puberty in boys

Unlike girls, puberty in boys usually starts slower. In general, boys will show signs of first puberty at the age of 10-16 years, this age also varies greatly between children.

The first sign of puberty

In men, the first sign that he has begun entering puberty is enlargement of the size of the testis. Generally, this happens on average at the age of 11 years. After that, followed by penis size enlargement. Next, curly hair on the genitals begins to grow, also on the child's armpits.

What happens next?

The testicles and penis will continue to grow until they reach adult size. During this process, boys can experience erections and ejaculation. First-time ejaculation or spermarche is usually a sign of puberty in the most recognizable men. This usually occurs between the ages of 12-16 years, but also varies between children. This ejaculation is usually characterized by wet dreams, but erection alone can occur spontaneously when the child wakes up for no apparent reason.

In boys, the peak of growth will occur around 2 years after the first signs of puberty appear. At this time, boys will experience peak growth in height and weight together. If women will have a greater fat mass, then men will have greater muscle mass. The male chest shape will also be wider, leading like an adult male.

Some children may experience enlarged breast tissue or commonly referred to as gynecomastia. However, don't worry, usually it will disappear within 6 months or more and this is normal.

Mustache or beard may grow in some children. In addition, there is also a change in the male voice becoming heavier. Acne can also appear on the face, this is a common thing, not only in boys but also in girls. Acne can be caused by the hormone puberty which triggers the glands under the skin to produce more oil / sebum, so that it can clog the pores.



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Characteristics of a Child's Body Begins to Enter the Age of Puberty
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