Child's Spine Can Curve Due to Wrong School Bag


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School bags are one of the school supplies that almost every child has. The shape also varies, ranging from backpacks, sling, even shaped like trolley. But did you know that the use of the wrong school bag can cause spinal abnormalities in children in the growth period?

What kind of school bag is not good for a child's spine?

Based on the type of school bag, sling bag or bag with one strap with a load that is too heavy is not recommended for children.

This is because the use of this bag causes the load to rest on one side of the shoulder only, so that it can cause curvature of the spine that is not symmetrical and can cause pressure on nerve fibers so that it can cause complaints such as neck and back pain.

In addition, the use of bags trolley which is too short is also not recommended for children, because if it is too short the child must turn around or lean back when pulling the bag.

Bag model trolley also makes children tend to put more weight in the bag so that this will make it difficult for the child when they have to carry his bag like when climbing stairs.

Spinal abnormalities due to the wrong use of school bags

1. Scoliosis

Scoliosis is the condition of abnormal curvature of the spine to the side. Scoliosis is one of the most common spinal disorders. This can be caused by the use of a sling bag with excessive load on the child, so that it can cause curvature of the spine to the side.

2. Kyphosis

Kyphosis is a spinal deformity that is curved forward or often known as hunchback. The most common kyphosis is caused by excessive curvature of the spine. This can happen to children because they bend too much and carry a bag with too much weight.

3. Lordosis

Lordosis is a disorder in which the lower spine curves backwards so that the bones are pulled forward. Lordosis can be caused by several things such as abnormalities of the spine during infancy, or disorders of body growth caused by mechanical factors such as the use of the wrong school bag.

What kind of school bag is good for children?

Use a backpack or Backpack highly recommended for children. This is because the backpack has a symmetrical load on both sides of the shoulder so it will not interfere with the curvature of the spine.

But it should be noted that the burden of school bags used by children should not be excessive, because it can also cause the muscles to become tired quickly due to spasm and pain.

For the use of a sling bag, it is recommended that a sling bag be worn with a load that is not too heavy, so it will not overload one side of the shoulder. As for the bag trolley, in addition to reducing the burden, choose a bag trolley the height is in accordance with the child so that the child does not need to rotate or tilt his body back when pulling his school bag.

Child's Spine Can Curve Due to Wrong School Bag
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