Small Still Has Affected Arthritis, What Is The Cause?


Medical Video: Rheumatoid Arthritis | Nucleus Health

Usually arthritis strikes people who are elderly (elderly). Arthritis, which actually has many types, makes the joints become painful, painful, and swollen. However, the little one turns out to be attacked by arthritis as well as adults. How severe is arthritis in children and what is the cause? How to deal with it? Check out all the answers below.

How can arthritis in children appear?

Actually rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis) are included in one type of arthritis or arthritis. However, indeed this type of arthritis is more often found in people who are elderly.

Even though it is still in its infancy, children can develop arthritis. However, the type is different from rheumatism. Arthritis in children that you should be aware of is juvenile idiopathic arthritis or rheumatism in children.

It is known that this condition can be experienced by one in 1,000 children, so that indeed this health disorder is not too common in children. Juvenile idiophatic arthritis can be experienced by children under the age of 16 years.

What are the symptoms of arthritis in children? Is it the same as an adult's symptoms?

Most cases of juvenile idiophatic arthritis do not cause any symptoms at first. Also, if there are symptoms that appear, usually these symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other diseases, so that not many know it is arthritis. Therefore, the following are symptoms of arthritis in children that you should be aware of.

  • The joint feels stiff, especially in the morning
  • The joint feels sore and swollen
  • Non-hereditary fever, or fever that often recurs
  • The skin becomes red
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Eyes hurt and red
  • Fatigue
  • It's hard to do physical activity

What causes arthritis in children?

Juvenil idiophatic arthritis is actually an autoimmune disease which has no exact cause. However, this disease can arise due to errors from the body's immune system which actually attacks the body's tissues and cells properly.

So, in children who experience juvenile idiophatic arthritis, the synovial layer - the joint layer that acts as a joint lubricant - is damaged by inflammation. Inflammation of this layer is caused by the immune system that attacks the layer, so that inflammation appears.

Can this type of arthritis in a child be cured?

Unfortunately, there is no treatment that can cure arthritis in children. However, don't worry, the child will still be given treatment. The main goals of treatment are to:

  • Relieve pain
  • Reduces swelling
  • Reduces joint stiffness
  • Increases joint strength
  • Prevent joints from getting damaged

Even so, the treatment taken will depend on the type of arthritis that your little one is experiencing naturally. In some cases, children need to undergo medical surgery to repair the part of the joint that has inflammation.

Meanwhile, medicines are usually given to children with arthritis, namely:

  • Painkillers, like NSAIDs. This drug is usually given to treat pain and reduce swelling in the joints. Examples of NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or naproxen.
  • Anti-rheumatic drugsThis type of drug is also used to treat swelling and pain that is felt due to inflammation. Usually, this drug will be combined with NSAIDs. Some examples of these drugs are methotrexate (Rheumatrex), hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine).
  • CorticosteroidsThis drug is often used in the form of a liquid that is injected directly into the inflamed part of the joint, if the pain and swelling recur. Actually, this type of drug is available in oral form, but is not recommended for consumption by children.
  • AntimetaboliteThis drug is used to prevent joint damage in the future.

If indeed there is a suspicion that your child has this health problem, you should immediately take it to the doctor for further examination.

Small Still Has Affected Arthritis, What Is The Cause?
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