The Miracle of Mother's Touch on Baby Growth and Development


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Touch is a simple way for mothers to communicate with their babies, even when babies are not born. Senses of baby touch begin to develop at 7 to 8 weeks' gestation. Therefore, mother's touch is the first language for babies.

Touch is a manifestation of maternal affection for a baby he has long been deadly. So it's not surprising that when a baby is born, a mother will rush to touch her baby with compassion.

Beyond that, it turns out that the mother's touch to her baby has various benefits for the health, growth, and development of her baby. How can? Check out the answer below.

Touch of skin to the mother's first skin to the baby

The first touch of mother's skin and baby's skin occurs during the Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) process. At the time of IMD, the newborn is placed prone to the mother's chest with the baby's skin attached to the mother's skin. Then, the mother will wrap the baby in a warm cloth, and hug and caress the baby with love.

This process lasts at least one hour. Besides being able to facilitate the IMD process, a study shows that skin contact can improve oxygen levels in infants, reduce crying, improve sleep quality and breast milk for babies, and regulate blood pressure and maternal hormone levels.

The magic of mother's touch to babies

Not only when first met with the baby, mother's touch can continue to provide benefits that would certainly be missed. Well, here's the explanation.

1. Strengthen the bond with the baby

Babies who often get a touch from their parents will be quicker to recognize who their mother and father are. Because the baby can distinguish each type of touch of the people who care for it.

2. Communication between mother and baby

For newborns, skin contact between mother and baby is an important part of bonding and communication. Touch can help the baby communicate his needs and desires, interact with others, and explore the source of touch and his environment.

That is why, when the baby is placed on his mother's chest, he will use his mouth to find the nipples to stick and drink breast milk.

3. Calm the baby

Soft touch is one of the best ways to calm a baby. So, if your baby is anxious or crying, you can calm her by gently stroking her back. Babies will always be happy to be near you because they feel the warmth, aroma, and feel of your body.

4. Stimulate baby's mental development

The study conducted by Theodore Wacks found that babies who get touch more directly from mothers tend to have better psychological development during the first six months of life.

5. Affects cognitive abilities

Study conducted by Dr. Stiffany Field found that babies who often get a touch of mother and father tend to have faster cognitive development, including the ability to think, remember, and speak; so that it can optimize the psychological, behavioral and social development of your child.

Baby massage as a form of mother's touch to the baby

One form of touch stimulation to the baby can be done with massage activities. Baby massage is usually done by the mother when finished bathing the baby. Here are some of the benefits of baby massage as a form of mother's touch to babies.

  • Increase the awareness of babies to be loved, accepted and feel safe.
  • Improve baby sleep patterns.
  • Improve baby's digestion.
  • Improve nerve function in babies.
  • Increase baby's weight.
  • Increase mother's milk production.
  • Reducing the risk of postpartum depression for the mother.
  • Improve relaxation for babies and parents

Touch is not just the baby's first language, but it is a strong start for babies to be able to get love and good health.

The Miracle of Mother's Touch on Baby Growth and Development
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