3 Types of Miscarriages that Must Be Aware of Pregnant Women


Medical Video: Miscarriage symptoms: Early signs and symptoms of miscarriage

Miscarriage aliasmiscarriage or spontaneous abortion is the failure of the pregnancy spontaneously before 20 weeks' gestation, or before the fetus can live outside the womb. About 10-20% of pregnancies usually end in a miscarriage. But the figure can still be even higher, because most women do not know that they are pregnant, and only realize it after a miscarriage.

Miscarriage often occurs at less than 8 weeks' gestation. Miscarriages need to be distinguished from babies who die after 20 weeks' gestation, because this is not called a miscarriage, but is referred to as stillbirth (stillbirth).

Causes of miscarriage

Miscarriage can occur due to various causes, but not all cases of miscarriages can be found. Even so, most of the causes of miscarriage are not the mother's fault.

The most common cause of miscarriage is due to the presence of a baby chromosome abnormality. If the baby has an excess or lack of chromosomes, the baby cannot develop normally. It is estimated that 2 out of 3 cases of miscarriages are caused due to chromosomal abnormalities.

In addition to chromosomal abnormalities, other factors that can cause miscarriages include:

  • Problems with the placenta
  • Mother's age, the older the mother's age the higher the risk of miscarriage
  • The habit of smoking mothers
  • Maternal health problems, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
  • Virus or bacterial infection

Types of miscarriages

There are various types of miscarriages based on the medical world. Some of them are:

  • Threatened miscarriage / abortion is threatened
  • Incomplete incomplete miscarriage / abortion
  • Complete complete miscarriage / abortion

Abortion is threatened, a type of miscarriage that can still be saved

Pregnant women who experience threatened abortion will usually complain of bleeding from the birth canal in the form of spots that are bright red or slightly brownish, and sometimes accompanied by lower abdominal pain or lower back pain. If you experience this, immediately come to the obstetrician to do an internal examination and ultrasound to determine the condition of the fetus.

Pregnant women with abortion are at risk of having to rest bed rest for several days and avoid activities that are too heavy, for at least two weeks. It is also recommended not to have sex because it can trigger a miscarriage.

Complete and incomplete abortion

In incomplete abortion, the process of pregnancy cannot be resumed because a portion of the fetus has come out of the uterus. Pregnant women will experience more bleeding accompanied by more severe abdominal pain. In the blood that comes out can be found objects such as meat coming out of the birth canal.

While complete abortion is a miscarriage process in which the fetus has completely exited the uterus. To find out for sure, an in-depth examination needs to be done by a specialist and will be followed by an ultrasound examination. Depending on the results of the examination, the doctor can only give medication or need to do a curette to clean the uterus.

Beware of bleeding during pregnancy

Apart from the three types of miscarriages described above, there are still other types. But what you need to understand is that every bleeding while pregnant is a threat to your baby's womb so if you as a pregnant woman experience this do not hesitate to immediately check your content.

3 Types of Miscarriages that Must Be Aware of Pregnant Women
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