5 Conditions That Cause Sudden Hearts to Beat Until the Body Trembles


Medical Video: 10 Warning Signs Your Heart Isn't Working Properly

Heart palpitations and trembling bodies generally become reactions to fear, anger, or anxiety about something. If this happens, it usually only lasts for a while and then disappears by itself over time.

But if there are no obvious triggers, maybe your complaint is caused by certain conditions or health problems. What causes the heart to beat until the body trembles?

Heart pounding and body trembling? Maybe it's caused by ...

1. Stressful

High level stress is the most common cause of heart palpitations and trembling bodies. Both are automatic reactions of the body to respond to the increase in stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol released by the brain when they feel threatened. Usually these symptoms are accompanied by cold sweat and an uneasy feeling of anxiety.

2. Panic attacks (Panic attack)

Panic attack, orpanic attack, is a psychological disorder characterized by spontaneous panic without a clear reason or trigger, not as a reaction to a stressful situation. Panic attacks occur unpredictably. During a panic attack, people who experience it will lose control of their body and mind.

Common panic symptoms include heart palpitations and trembling shivering, heavy cold sweating, shortness of breath (difficulty breathing), sensation of choking or choking, nausea, dizzy head, faltering (loss of balance), numbness, reddened skin, to depersonalization (feeling separate from the body or reality). Many people who experience panic attacks report sensations such as a heart attack or feel they will actually die.

What distinguishes ordinary panic from ordinary panic is that after a panic attack, someone will experience terror anxiety and heavy worries about the next panic attack. Regular panic will quickly subside once the trigger is gone.

3. Low blood sugar

Low blood sugar conditions or hypoglycemia can cause the heart to beat and the body tremble.This is because the body's brain, nerves and muscles lose a lot of their fuel to operate.

In people who are healthy and do not have prediabetes or diabetes, normal sugar levels can range from 100 mg / dL (when not eating; resting) to below 140 mg / dl after meals. Hypoglycemia occurs when your blood sugar drops far below 70mg / dL.

Untreated hypoglycemia can cause seizures and loss of consciousness. Although rare, this can be deadly. To increase your blood sugar and deal with symptoms quickly, always be ready for at least five to six candies, a few spoons of sugar or a glass of sugar water, or a tablespoon of honey.

4. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. When the thyroid gland is overactive, your whole body will work fast which can cause you to have trouble sleeping, your heart beats faster, and your hands tremble.

5. Consume excessive caffeine

High doses of caffeine can be one of the causes that make the heart beat until the body trembles. Because, caffeine is a stimulant that stimulates the brain's central nerve to work harder. The central nervous system functions as a command center for all bodily functions, including producing adrenal hormones and regulating the work of the heart.

Discuss further with your doctor about your complaint to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

5 Conditions That Cause Sudden Hearts to Beat Until the Body Trembles
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